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  1. #1
    Community Member SemiraLynn's Avatar
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    Mar 2010

    Default A Gear First for Me

    It isn't much (especially with the advent of Cannith crafting), but Esthera (Favored Soul) has become my first character that is completely free of random loot items. 11 Named items, 2 Green Steel Items, and 1 Crafted Trinket. There's nothing overly fancy but I'm happy with her setup now. I feel confident that she could survive just about any content.

    Weapon: Epic Ornamented Dagger
    Shield: Light and Darkness

    Armor: Epic Cavalry Plate (GFL, Resistance +5)
    Boots: Cannith Boots of Propulsion (FF, Striding)
    Gloves: Gauntlets of Eternity
    Belt: Morah's Belt (+6 Con)
    Cloak: Green Steel HP Item (+45 HP, Haste Clicky!)
    Helmet: Minos Legens (Heavy Fort, Toughness)

    Goggles: Green Steel Con Op (sp regen and more sp)
    Bracers: Bracers of the Glacier (Archmagi)
    Ring: Epic Ring of the Buccaneer
    Ring: Katra's Razor Wit (+6 Cha)
    Trinket: Shard of Power (+2 Good Luck, +2 Evocation Focus)
    Neck: Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II (sp regen)

    MyDDO: Esthera
    Orien Player: Semirasai, ~3~ L28 Drow Wizard :: Kaethe, ~5~ L13 Halfling Barb/Bard/Rog :: Esthera, ~2~ L26 Human Favored Soul
    Sophiae, L20 Drow Bard :: Kitarina, L20 Half-Orc Fighter :: Aadia, L20 Half-Elf Sorcerer :: Olesia, ~2~ L15 Sun Elf Cleric/Monk

  2. #2
    Community Member Isharah's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Someone needs to pay a visit to Horoth..

    Gratz on the toon.

  3. #3
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    It's interesting how our expectations change over time. I still had some random loot gen on my first level 20 after 6 months at cap on Sarlona but now that I'm on Khyber my latest toon was given lots of nice epic loots as soon as he hit 20 and has almost ideal gear (just barring LotD, T3 on my Alchemic Handwraps and some gear from Vaults of the Artificers - which I'm currently farming for - the slots of which are still filled by decent named gear).

  4. #4
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Though an easier fix would just been to play a MNK and run around naked!
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  5. #5
    Community Member SemiraLynn's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Isharah View Post
    Someone needs to pay a visit to Horoth..

    Gratz on the toon.
    If only I didn't dislike ToD so much. There's hardly ever a run posted when I want to run it and if there is it's someone with the silly idea of running it on Hard which ends in a failure every time (generally because the shadow-kiter/tank goes splat and there's no backup). Then there's the 30+ minutes to fill the group and get everyone buffed. Bleh!
    Orien Player: Semirasai, ~3~ L28 Drow Wizard :: Kaethe, ~5~ L13 Halfling Barb/Bard/Rog :: Esthera, ~2~ L26 Human Favored Soul
    Sophiae, L20 Drow Bard :: Kitarina, L20 Half-Orc Fighter :: Aadia, L20 Half-Elf Sorcerer :: Olesia, ~2~ L15 Sun Elf Cleric/Monk

  6. #6
    Community Member Cam_Neely's Avatar
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    Gz on the gear, pretty nice setup. Very useful for me as I TRed my Wiz into a caster FvS and have some similar stuff to you, and this helps me fill in some slots.

    Question, do you ever switch out the L&D for a greenblade? That would seem to clear up the glove slot. (I understand that L&D is hugely useful, but not in all content). Also, do you have a shield feat?

    Quote Originally Posted by SemiraLynn View Post
    If only I didn't dislike ToD so much. There's hardly ever a run posted when I want to run it and if there is it's someone with the silly idea of running it on Hard which ends in a failure every time (generally because the shadow-kiter/tank goes splat and there's no backup). Then there's the 30+ minutes to fill the group and get everyone buffed. Bleh!
    Well, that easily fixed, make a cold absorption item and be the tank shadow tank

  7. #7
    Community Member SemiraLynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cam_Neely View Post
    Question, do you ever switch out the L&D for a greenblade? That would seem to clear up the glove slot. (I understand that L&D is hugely useful, but not in all content). Also, do you have a shield feat?

    Well, that easily fixed, make a cold absorption item and be the tank shadow tank
    I would if I had a Green Blade. I've never really had the energy to host DQ groups every 3 days until I got one. I remember doing that for Reaver's Fate when I wanted to farm out Madstone Boots or whatever for my characters and I would always groan when it came that time again to post another run.

    I don't have any shield feats but the L&D works for what I need it to do. I have 26 DR while blocking which negates enough damage in epics and I've also tanked things like VoD numerous times.

    If I had the large mats to spare I might just craft my own Cold Absorption item. But then that would break the cookie-cutter setup of having an arcane do it. Some party leader's brain might explode at the thought!
    Orien Player: Semirasai, ~3~ L28 Drow Wizard :: Kaethe, ~5~ L13 Halfling Barb/Bard/Rog :: Esthera, ~2~ L26 Human Favored Soul
    Sophiae, L20 Drow Bard :: Kitarina, L20 Half-Orc Fighter :: Aadia, L20 Half-Elf Sorcerer :: Olesia, ~2~ L15 Sun Elf Cleric/Monk

  8. #8
    Community Member deahamlet's Avatar
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    I've run a few ToD, even a couple hard ToD, all completions.

    Best shadow tanks I've seen were a PM wiz and a WF sorc (both with ice absorb stuff on). The only time I saw someone kiting, they died. It was normal and we had insane heals and DPS really so we still pushed through.
    I even saw a hard ToD with optional, with no light monk. I was scroll healing tank on that one, it went rather well!

    But there are loads of normal ToD up and if they don't do the optional, it should complete each time. Now as to the drops... le sigh.

    All I'm saying, give it a try. normal ToD LFMs are often up and very likely to succeed.
    Toons on Orien:
    Daemonav Atreides: WF artificer (TR 2/14)////Irullan Atreides: human FvS (TR 2/?!?)////Lorrellei Atreides: human ice/acid sorcerer////Aliademon Atreides: elf PM necro/enchant wizzie (TR 2/8)

  9. #9
    Community Member Isharah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SemiraLynn View Post
    If only I didn't dislike ToD so much. There's hardly ever a run posted when I want to run it and if there is it's someone with the silly idea of running it on Hard which ends in a failure every time (generally because the shadow-kiter/tank goes splat and there's no backup). Then there's the 30+ minutes to fill the group and get everyone buffed. Bleh!
    I'd vouch for your FvS in one of our hard/elite w/opt runs (have some nice core people), but I don't know if we even play at the same time. XD

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