I did not iterate the reasons upon posting of this current 34 point build. So please allow me to list various details and/or explain why created this setup. Posted below build
Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.11.02 DDO Character Planner Home Page Level 20 Lawful Good Human Male (2 Rogue \ 18 Artificer) Hit Points: 324 Spell Points: 1013 BAB: 14\14\19\24 Fortitude: 11 Reflex: 17 Will: 11 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (34 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) Strength 10 12 Dexterity 17 26 Constitution 17 20 Intelligence 14 18 Wisdom 8 10 Charisma 8 10 Tomes Used +1 Tome of Strength used at level 3 +1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 3 +1 Tome of Constitution used at level 3 +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3 +1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 3 +1 Tome of Charisma used at level 3 +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7 +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7 +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7 +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7 +2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7 +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7 Starting Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) Balance 7 18 Bluff -1 1 Concentration 5 29 Diplomacy -1 1 Disable Device 6 28 Haggle 3 6 Heal -1 1 Hide 3 9 Intimidate -1 3 Jump 4 16 Listen -1 3 Move Silently 3 9 Open Lock 7 32 Perform n/a n/a Repair 2 5 Search 6 28 Spot 3 24 Swim 4 8 Tumble 7 13 Use Magic Device 3 31 Level 1 (Rogue) Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Fighter Feat: (Selected) Point Blank Shot Feat: (Human Bonus) Precise Shot Enhancement: Human Versatility I Level 2 (Rogue) Level 3 (Artificer) Feat: (Selected) Weapon Focus: Ranged Weapons Enhancement: Artificer Damage Boost I Enhancement: Artificer Crossbow Damage I Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity I Level 4 (Artificer) Enhancement: Artificer Improved Rune Arm Use I Enhancement: Force Manipulation I Enhancement: Human Versatility II Enhancement: Artificer Intelligence I Level 5 (Artificer) Enhancement: Human Adaptability Constitution I Enhancement: Improved Use Magic Device I Enhancement: Kinetic Spellcasting I Level 6 (Artificer) Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Rapid Shot Feat: (Selected) Toughness Enhancement: Artificer Damage Boost II Enhancement: Artificer Crossbow Attack I Enhancement: Artificer Rune Arm Overcharge I Level 7 (Artificer) Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery II Level 8 (Artificer) Enhancement: Artificer Improved Rune Arm Use II Enhancement: Racial Toughness I Enhancement: Deadly Kinetics I Level 9 (Artificer) Feat: (Selected) Toughness Enhancement: Artificer Battle Engineer I Level 10 (Artificer) Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Maximize Spell Enhancement: Racial Toughness II Enhancement: Improved Use Magic Device II Enhancement: Force Manipulation II Level 11 (Artificer) Enhancement: Racial Toughness III Enhancement: Kinetic Spellcasting II Level 12 (Artificer) Feat: (Selected) Skill Focus: Use Magic Device Enhancement: Artificer Crossbow Attack II Enhancement: Deadly Kinetics II Enhancement: Force Manipulation III Level 13 (Artificer) Enhancement: Artificer Improved Rune Arm Use III Enhancement: Improved Use Magic Device III Level 14 (Artificer) Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons Enhancement: Human Greater Adaptability Dexterity I Level 15 (Artificer) Feat: (Selected) Past Life: Student of the Sword Enhancement: Kinetic Spellcasting III Enhancement: Deadly Kinetics III Enhancement: Force Manipulation IV Enhancement: Kinetic Spellcasting IV Level 16 (Artificer) Enhancement: Artificer Improved Rune Arm Use IV Level 17 (Artificer) Enhancement: Improved Use Magic Device IV Enhancement: Deadly Kinetics IV Enhancement: Force Manipulation V Enhancement: Kinetic Spellcasting V Level 18 (Artificer) Feat: (Selected) Improved Precise Shot Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Mental Toughness Enhancement: Artificer Rune Arm Overcharge II Level 19 (Artificer) Enhancement: Deadly Kinetics V Enhancement: Force Manipulation VI Enhancement: Force Manipulation VII Level 20 (Artificer) Enhancement: Kinetic Spellcasting VI Enhancement: Artificer Intelligence II
My current toon is a 2nd life Human level 20 artificer w/ a fighter past life (not Half/Elf). This build is based on end game raiding purposes for primarily buffing and increasing damage output w/o have to rely on self buffed spells. My objective in essence to this build is to help increase the survivability this toon and whomever is considered the main tank and/or other needed classes in pending raids.
I plan on LRing into this build after I complete the gear list I have chose for him to better accommodate his over all to hit and damage output without relying on the insightful strikes and/or damage spells. (which free up those spell slots for other more beneficial spells/buffs to me and/or the raid group).
A. Yes I know not all endgame base raids do not require a tank, so don't bother posting replies based on that fact alone, duh!)
B. Yes I know their called Infusions not spells. For the purpose of this explanation, I am calling them spells. Get over it
1. The 2 levels of rogue. A lot of questions why I did this:
A. Evasion of course. Why?
I. Several end game raids have reflex based damage that can/will kill characters if their HP cannot survive the hits. (hence 2 Toughness, explained lower). Examples as follows
a. EADQ – spinning blades, MA – electrified floor, LoB – hounds, EvoN5/6 – control boxes that are beyond the traps, Fire breath, ToD – Fire based attacks, Abbot – several diff. Damages, etc...
B. Large bonus to my skill points at 1st level.
C. The extra 1d6 damage to dps output.
D. Martial wep. proficiency's of the rapier, S.sword (EvoN6 pillars not attackable w/ any range typed weapons, even at point blank range)
E. Why not 2 levels of Wizard? D4 vs. D6 – lose sneak attack, lose Martial weapon Prof. No evasion, etc..
F. oh not to mention an extra stat increase of Dexterity from the rogue enhancement line.
2. Picked up Fighter past life feat for the purpose of the following (besides the fact of using fighter to TR into Artificer):
A. You gain +1 to attack rolls Each time you acquire this feat.
B. You remember your martial prowess three times per rest, increasing your base attack bonus to your level and granting +4 to hit. (this can be activated in sync w/ artificer damage boost to increase damage output, circumvents the -4 movement penalties for a short period time)
3. The 2 toughness feats. Why?
A. Extra HP for higher difficulty raids (MA\LoB\Abbott Hard/Elite/Epic)
I. The damage output of attacks, elemental damage, etc.. in the listed raids can/will hit a lot harder and w/o the evasion + HP, the survivability can be dramatically reduced based on difficulty of the raid.
II. The ability to use Positive Energy Infusion spell on 1 or more other lower HP based toons and/or tank can become more viable w/o hampering your own HP below 500 HP. (which I have done multiple times, normally on the MT and OT - the extra 50 - 60+ HP on them can sometimes make a diff. in a pinch)
4. Why I did not take construct essence.
A. Construct Essence. - Yes even though Artificers have the repair/reconstruct spells that would allow them to heal themselves if they took the construct essence feat, In my opinion I consider this more con then pro for the following reasons.
I. Pro – I gain the ability to heal myself for 50% of a repair/reconstruct spell
a. Non WF = 0 Repair, Construct essence = 50% repair/reconstruct only.
II. Con – I suffer a -25% penalty to incoming Pos. Energy Healing (PEH)
III. multiple cons – I would have to do 1 and/or more of the following to make up the -25%
a. spend a total 12 enhancement on Human recovery I,II, & III ( to gain +5% PEH overall)
b. Ex: spend shroud ingredients and/or a ToD ring slot to gain 20% ( still at -5% PEH)
c. find/craft more items/gear w/ Heal Amp that could have been replaced w/ more useful items/gear.
5. No Augment summoning Feat. Why?
A. Currently at end game raids I have found that most raids groups, the artificer pet/s have to be micromanaged. Which at times:
I. can not only distract you from other more important roles required by you, but can possible hinder your own ability to maximize your damage output
II. the pet attacking wrong target. Again micromanagement.
III. Dieing! Which hit's your toon for HP/SP loss (again hence 2x toughness) Uncaring Master enhancements is still broken at this time whether you do or do not take the enhancement . You STILL take the damage/SP loss regardless.
IV. Free's up a Feat slot for more important/useful feats.
The quicken vs. Empower feat – I have considered that swap-out due to having a possible higher concentration skill total based on gear/stats.
Gear list I seek to complete soon
I hope this will clear up for most of the reasons for this build. I may/may not have covered all aspects of this build, But I do hope this will clarify any confusions and/or misconceptions of it.