Okay, so folks have been asking for improvements to to Teleport for ages (and for Word of Recall for that Matter) but what we've gotten are a few extra locations, few of which are where any player would say "yeah, make that a teleport point."
I fully get and support that increases in convenience are the purview of the DDO store. We have the store, the store helped save the game, and the store selling anything that is not purely convenience or cosmetic oriented is bad. So, with that in mind, how about selling new teleport locations.
Look, some of the existing teleport locations are absolute **** (Deneith, for example) and there are locations that could really use a teleport point (Necropolis.) Why not allow us to "upgrade" our teleport locations for a cost of TP. I am sure folks would pay to be able to replace the existing Teleport to the twelve with one to the camp by the airship entrance, or replace the Kunderak one with a 'port the the guild vendors area.
The same principle could be used for Greater teleport.