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  1. #1
    Community Member neuroticOne's Avatar
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    Default Big issue with the updater/log-in part of the loader

    and the issue is.. It won't load!

    I get as far as the game updater, doesn't load anything in that portion of the loader. I'm unsure of why it is doing this, and would like to avoid reinstalling, if I can. It's not being blocked by a firewall, I've checked. I suppose it's possible my virus/malware scanners have removed something, but this would be the first time in 3 years of fortnightly scans that it had.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Community Member
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    I know others are going to ask...what exactly happens, where does it stop?

    And have you been successfully playing before now or is this your first time trying to install DDO?

  3. #3
    Community Member neuroticOne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by My2Cents View Post
    I know others are going to ask...what exactly happens, where does it stop?

    And have you been successfully playing before now or is this your first time trying to install DDO?
    Good point.

    The launcher stops loading during the program check/update, doesn't load anything beyond the first line in that box.

    And yes, I've been playing for almost 3years, on and off, and this is the first time this has happened to me - Yesterday, worked fine. Today, not so much.

  4. #4
    Community Member Dulcimerist's Avatar
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    Update your antivirus program and run a full scan for sure, just to be safe.

    Did you install or uninstall anything in the past day or two, or run Windows Update? Have you changed your default web browser?

    My gut feeling is that a .NET Framework file got corrupted. If I remember correctly, DDO accesses the .NET software right about the time when you describe your issue happening. You could try uninstalling all versions of .NET from your system, reinstalling them manually, and then patching them with Windows Update (the patches might be in the "optional" updates, and need to be manually selected).

    You could try removing all of the DDO entries from your firewall, and then having the firewall re-add them. Often after a DDO patch, a firewall will see DDO as a completely new program instead of as the program that had been added to the allow list before.
    "Swords will cut you wide open!" - Trip Fisk

  5. #5
    Community Member neuroticOne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dulcimerist View Post
    Update your antivirus program and run a full scan for sure, just to be safe.

    Did you install or uninstall anything in the past day or two, or run Windows Update? Have you changed your default web browser?

    My gut feeling is that a .NET Framework file got corrupted. If I remember correctly, DDO accesses the .NET software right about the time when you describe your issue happening. You could try uninstalling all versions of .NET from your system, reinstalling them manually, and then patching them with Windows Update (the patches might be in the "optional" updates, and need to be manually selected).

    You could try removing all of the DDO entries from your firewall, and then having the firewall re-add them. Often after a DDO patch, a firewall will see DDO as a completely new program instead of as the program that had been added to the allow list before.

    I updated my anti-virus and ran a scan after I logged off DDO last night, have a feeling that it has affected something in DDO's files. I'll check with the .NET software.

    Thanks for the help.

  6. #6
    Community Member neuroticOne's Avatar
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    After uninstalling then downloading, installing and updating the most recent .NET Framework, I'm still having this issue. Will run a deep scan with my updated anti-virus overnight, hopefully that'll help, otherwise I'll have to re-install, and hope that works.

  7. #7


    Just as an FYI, during some period of your issue you do realize the servers were down, right?

    Scheduled Maintenance: Monday, January 9th from 6:00 to 10:00 AM Eastern (-5 GMT)

    Note I'm not saying all of your issues were caused by this, but servers being down won't help.

    And off the top of my head, given you are in AU... double check your proxy settings. What they should be I have no idea as I never have to deal with them, but that should give you something you can search for. I don't think I'm going to be much more use here than that.

    Good luck!

  8. #8
    Community Member neuroticOne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    Just as an FYI, during some period of your issue you do realize the servers were down, right?

    Scheduled Maintenance: Monday, January 9th from 6:00 to 10:00 AM Eastern (-5 GMT)

    Note I'm not saying all of your issues were caused by this, but servers being down won't help.

    And off the top of my head, given you are in AU... double check your proxy settings. What they should be I have no idea as I never have to deal with them, but that should give you something you can search for. I don't think I'm going to be much more use here than that.

    Good luck!
    Issue was hours before the downtime - about 8am my time, which is around 6pm server time, on Sunday.
    Checked the proxy settings aswell, and it wasn't the issue. My anti-virus found some files within the DDO folder that had been corrupted, so was forced to uninstall/reinstall the game. Thanks to everyone for your help.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by neuroticOne View Post
    Issue was hours before the downtime - about 8am my time, which is around 6pm server time, on Sunday.
    Checked the proxy settings aswell, and it wasn't the issue. My anti-virus found some files within the DDO folder that had been corrupted, so was forced to uninstall/reinstall the game. Thanks to everyone for your help.
    Really.... What is your antivirus and what files did it complain about?

    I've had antivirus do false positives before screwing things up.

    edit: Or are you the type that will leave Turbine web space with the in game browser?

  10. #10
    Community Member neuroticOne's Avatar
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    Can't remember the files it found, but the anti-virus that got 'em was the Microsoft Security Essentials - it appears they were corrupted by a worm, Sality.AM.

    Only reason I use the in-game browser is lottery and checking people builds, why leave Turbine webspace?

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by neuroticOne View Post
    Can't remember the files it found, but the anti-virus that got 'em was the Microsoft Security Essentials - it appears they were corrupted by a worm, Sality.AM.

    Only reason I use the in-game browser is lottery and checking people builds, why leave Turbine webspace?
    Some people do leave the webspace, and to them.. well. They tell you not to for good reason.

    Sality worm... figure out how you got hit yet?

  12. #12
    Community Member neuroticOne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    Some people do leave the webspace, and to them.. well. They tell you not to for good reason.

    Sality worm... figure out how you got hit yet?
    I figured my PC was infected during the 3months it was in the care of my less-than-careful brother. That's my best guess, anyway. MSE seems to have cleared it out of my system, for now at least. Hopefully I won't have to go through the trouble of formatting my hdd, that'd be irritating.

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