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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default WF Sorc must TR going F2P...

    I am kinda new to being a spell caster... I just capped my WF Sorc as a Water Sevant... but do to financial issues I am forced to go F2P. So I'm planning on TRing my WF Sorc in to a Drow Sorc or a Drow Wiz... I love nuking stuff, but I have been told that CC casters are a lot of fun also... been looking for a build for either...

    What to do... lol

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    hmm, from WF to Drow..
    thats a change....

    if you were looking to keep the self healing abaility whilst playing a meatbag eithere go PM or a devine.
    tho a cleric can be a little tiresome untill you get BB @ lvl 11.

    been leveling a 2nd life PM myself (looking for epic spell pen in a few lives)

  3. #3
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    well with a sorc and the gear you could umd heal scrolls. around lv 17? Though I think id go human for the extra heal amp, extra con, and the extra feat which id prolly use for the umd skill. Now this is assuming you made your +6 cha skills greensteel sp item. Cause that's the saving throw for the no fail/being able to do it before 20.

    Wizard could go either way. You could go palemaster and use the aura's and neg bursts, or if you wanted archmage id go helf and then take the cleric dili to wand whip and whip heal scrolls. (Basically drop your con to 16 then slap 13 points in wis to qualify. this is on a 32 point mind you) With 16 con you can still get 500 hp easy, and if you made your hp item in your last life, hell your set for leveling.

    Though the question is are you gonna nuke or are you gonna cc? If you want to cc forget the sorc. Even with the +2 dc gear, the +3 spell pen item, sacrificing their feats for the school, taking spell pen, sacrificing more in action points for spell pen, they'll still fall short without the wiz past lives behind em.

    Hell wizards fall short sometimes without the past lives behind em. After you decide that then you gotta make another decision. Are you gonna be a pale or an archmage. If an archmage and flesh then id go half elf for the self healing reliance. If you go pale then i'd go pure elf for the added spell penetration. It'll help you out. Because some devils and epics. Especially epic devils and those **** drow, it's not the dc so much as their ability to use spell resistance to make a wizards life a living hell. Which is why past wiz lifes are very nice.
    Through avarice, evil smiles; through insanity, it sings.

  4. #4
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    i ended up TR'ing him into a human wizard... now I gotta figure out gear..., with my sorc it was easy... best cold gear I could find... but wizards are a different beast... what should I do about casting tools... Potency (blank) and what?

  5. #5
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by majikfreak View Post
    i ended up TR'ing him into a human wizard... now I gotta figure out gear..., with my sorc it was easy... best cold gear I could find... but wizards are a different beast... what should I do about casting tools... Potency (blank) and what?
    Lore items are nice for your crit damages, necomancy or enchantment items for your DC's are great as well, Spell penetration items when needed. I swap mine around in my hands depending on what I need for a given situation.
    Last edited by danotmano1998; 01-10-2012 at 10:51 AM.
    <-Curelite Bottling Company->

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

  6. #6
    Community Member Fejj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by majikfreak View Post
    i ended up TR'ing him into a human wizard... now I gotta figure out gear..., with my sorc it was easy... best cold gear I could find... but wizards are a different beast... what should I do about casting tools... Potency (blank) and what?
    While leveling
    Main Hand - Best Lore for Spells being cast / Power while shrining
    Off Hand - Best Potency

    Swap lore item as needed.
    If you get potency on another slot, go two lore items, or a spell penn item in later levels.

    You will miss your sorc though. (at least I do)

  7. #7
    Sketchy Adventurer aradelothion's Avatar
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    It's been my experience (having both capped a wf sorc and wf/human wizzies), that before level 13-15 or so, wizards and sorcs don't really have vastly different playstyles.. just find the best superior elemental clicky + major lore one-handers that you can. Usually for me it's Superior Inferno IV and Major Fire Lore, cast Web + Wall of Fire, or charm and suggestion when soloing. Extended haste and rage. Scroll spells as soon as you can, usually 2 levels before you can use them from your spellbook (GH, Stoneskin, Fireshield, repair/reconstructs if WF, etc). On my WF I tend to go melee heavy, so I swap to my Carnifex or falchion and swing away inside the firewall. Note that if you're human, even going Pale Master, your self healing may not be enough to melee for prolonged periods of time.

    When you get Heighten, FoD, Wail, disco ball and the like, things start to change between the two classes, as you'll rely more on crowd control and instakills because your dps output just won't be the same with a wizard as it was with your sorc.

  8. #8
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    Get yourself clickies. Superior inferno II III IV clickies. The reason being, they last 3 minutes, you get 3 charges, They give you 75% dmg instead of 50% (a whole 25%) and you can use them alot earlier then superior potency items. For instance my wiz has a superior inferno V clicky at 6.

    Have em lined up right there on your hotbar to click every 3 seconds. It's gonna jack up your fire spells so you don't have to waste a bunch on having the meta's up. Also superior freeze (or greater) doesn't hurt on those levels up until 5 or 6 when you can whip scorching ray and niacs cold ray one after the other at stuff until you get fireball and acid blast. Then Id get superior acid (whatever it's called) and do a AP reset to go fire with secondary acid. (helps with oozes and fire immune undead)

    Other then that get the abashi gear at 5, the diablost cloak for +3 int +1 conjuration at 5, and get yourself the best sp gear you can find. At that lv it's gonna be a weapon. So get a power V or VI item for your hand. I make weapon combo's in my inventory and I have them on the hotbar to. I leave the power item in my offhand so no misshaps happen. In my main hand is my major lore item. (Usually fire before lv 15) After I use the sp up from the power item I switch to a secondary combo of lore and usually spell pen, or a weapon from cove that helps reduce a meta.

    I'm guessing you have your GS at the ready for lv 11 which will help considerably. Cause wizards sp really sucks without boosts. So next you need a sp hat for later on. (I say hat cause they're the easiest to get early around lv 11 to 13) On this hat you want to shoot for wizardry VII or archmagi.) Now pricy sometimes as they are you can find em on the ah usually. The main thing is to be on the lookout always for that archmagi. It's a situational item that will give you an extra 50 sp because your GS sp item will give you 150 from wizardry VI already.

    Next is a guild slot item. If you have a guild lv 45 or higher you get to use a medium guild slot. (If you don't find one. they're a dime a dozen and always seem to be recruiting even though decay takes it's toll for doing so) This guild slot gives you 2 very VERY important things that most don't seem to realize. One is the ability to use a medium shard of power. This is a STACKING 60 sp. >>The other is a medium shard of health. Again a STACKING 15 hp.

    Now the ah doesn't have a search for them which is to your benefit. Expect to pay around 50 grand for one, but sometimes (like me) you get lucky and find one for 20 grand or less. Sometimes you get really lucky and find one that has a worthwhile stat or ability on it and as such it was never stripped and crafted so you can trade it to alts. (Seriously turbine make stripping an item bare unlock it from bound to flippn character!!!!)

    I usually use mine in a boot slot and bracers. Though I found a few that I got cheap that equip to rings unbound to character with nice effects. You just have to go to the ah and search each item from 1 plat to 60 plat looking for the slot. (Now it's your lucky and in a 70+ guild (How I wish I could use my jewelry with those large slots) then you can go for large slotted items. But those are anywhere from 100k to 400k depending the slot they go to. Hell ive seen a guy offer near a mill for a necklace with it on it as it was low level.

    Other then that You just need +6 in con str int. A gfl item, heavy fort and toughness (available on mino's at lv 11 hat necro 4 needed) And a +1 or +2 in the school of your choosing. (Usually people go for 2 like enchant and conj for the hypno and web combo.) Also find yourself a greater spell pen item. (This will be usually a weapon) I have one on my sorc that I use when quick ccing in norm +3 spell pen and you can get them up to VI I believe.
    Through avarice, evil smiles; through insanity, it sings.

  9. #9
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    he's lvl 6 now... having fun with him... thank you for the advice

    and I have minos and GS SP goggles waiting for me...
    Last edited by majikfreak; 01-11-2012 at 11:44 PM.

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