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Thread: AA Feat Change

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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default AA Feat Change


    I'm a pure ranger elf arcane archer with the following feats:

    1. PBS
    2. Weapon focus: ranged
    3. Mental toughness
    4. IC: Ranged
    5. Toughness
    6. IC: Pierce
    7. Power attack

    I went dex based AA this life and have 32 STR fully buffed.
    I'm on my way to craft a pair on min2 melee weapons so I can drop IC:P.

    I was wondering whether I should swap it to maximize or OTWF.

    Maximize would provide better healing and better survivability.

    With regards to OTWF: I took all the melee enhancement for rapiers so I was thinking of crafting a rapier in my off hand as well. This will allow me to make full use of the enhancement but I'll suffer the to-hit penalty. As such I was thinking of taking OTWF to off set that.
    Of course I could craft a shortsword but I feel that might be a waste of a min2 weapon.

    I am also planning to TR into a STR based AA when I finish collecting my gear.

    Would like some advice on whether I should:
    1. Go double rapier and take OTWF
    2. Go double rapier and heck the penalty and take maximize anyway
    3. Make a shortsword and take maximize

  2. #2
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    MinII's are a horrible choice of weapon to craft with all the new good weapons in the game. Go for LitII, Alchemical, Epic Rapiers of Wind or any number of other choices before going to MinII's.

    Conclusion: Keep IC:P.

    Edit: There are some nice offhand shortswords out there too like Epic Smallblade and others, just have a look around and run the quests for them

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    There are some nice offhand shortswords out there too like Epic Smallblade and others, just have a look around and run the quests for them
    Short swords don't benefit from Aerenal enhs; rapiers do.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    I understand that for pure damage output min2s aren't the best by far. But as an AA, I'm looking for a general all purpose set of melee weapons (which acid/good/acid will fulfill quite nicely) to complement my collection of bows.

    Alchemical rapiers could probably do that as well but honestly I'll be focusing on making alchemical longbows way before I get down to crafting alchemical rapiers.

    And as the previous poster pointed out, SS don't benefit from elf racials.

    So any further suggestions?

  5. #5
    Community Member andbr22's Avatar
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    I think that holy/acid/+2 exp CON would be better choise, or even holy/+1exp CON / +2 exp CON.

    People keep teling that minII is over, but unfortunelty for them it is usually not easy to find Pug of LoB (especially on AA character). Also new pack is also pain to get groups for. Shroud is alwys easy to find group.
    Next one is that they would love to you to carry pair of best canith boss beaters for every boss. It is usually really equipment inefficient to carry all these weapons. Min II is solid all rounder, that gona be enought for all normal raids, and big part of hard and elite raids.
    And you cannot always count on artificer to be availble to enchant your litII.

    Still i would stick with no more than 1 MinII.

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