The main goal is to do all the epic quests in the six epic packs(ones that can actually be completed solo not evon5 for example) at the fastest pace possible whit the less resources used and of course flawless completions.
All this is done playing my epic Fvs evoker Vevay.It is the character that i play most and enjoy most from the 4(barb,monk,wiz,fvs) i have. This was a personal ingame challenge that i set for myself.
Just to be clear no hirellings are used and no help from friends/guildies bards or rogues or anything, just solo completions.
Now for the quests here completed some are preU11 some are done post U12,had a break from DDO in between so some are more recent some from couple months back.
Any questions u might have related to the quests runned or my build/gear setup, feel free to ask.Sorry for any grammar mistakes or whatnot, english is not my first language.
Epic Von1--1 pot/ Everybody runs it.
Epic Von2--1 pot/ Quite easy
Epic Von3--4 pots/ My 2nd completion ever, had a lot of fun in this one.
Epic Von4--0 pots/ Also 2nd completion so far, fun,easy to zerg.
Devils Assault
Epic DA--11pots/ Intense
Epic Bargain--0 pots/ Quik fragments!
Epic Black Loch--2 pots/ Did a couple completions before, not much to it.
Epic Spies--0 pots/ My first completion ever , really fun quest.
Epic Tides--8 pots for some wierd reason the ogre mage spawned 3 times...
Epic Wiz King--2 pots/ Not really as hard but somewhat long and tedious.
Epic Oob--18 pots/ :O Brutal quest, well atleast i got it done...
Epic Cof -- 1 pot/ Dont think ill solo this again anytime soon...
Uploaded with
Epic ADQ -6 pots 2 eladrin statuttes/Not the challange i expected to be but not a bad quest to solo
Red fens
Epic Claw--0 pots/ Invis/wing/haste/wing/haste/wing...
Epic Fathoms --2 pots/Used to farm this one for claw scrolls .
Epic Last Stand--0 pots/ Love the assault quests, also good one for scroll farm.
Epic Deeps--1 pot/ One of my favorite epic quests.
Epic Snich--2 pots/ Crateos...
Epic Partycrashers--0 pots/ I just zerged it to the end.
Epic Problem--0 pots / problem?
Epic Big Top--0 pots / Could have run it faster if not for the Wheels of Fortune!