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  1. #1
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Arrow Flawless victory Epic LoB on Khyber, 25 minutes

    Done of ton of these, and seen a lot posted.. But I think this is the first game-wide flawless victory run. I think I managed to die in every other completion ive done heh, just so many ways to die in that raid.

    Oh and btw we did it in 25 min.

    We were shocked because it was not a planned speedrun at all, we took a lot of time to explain things out, killed the dogs, etc.. Usual "safe" run.

    That and it was our 2nd run of the night (actually i did 3 back to back LoBs heh), many of us on non-ideal alts - I was on my ancient original 28 point bbn heh =)

    0-3 pots from the clr/fvs. Possibly more from arcanes, Most didn't dps... Definetely can be optimized a lot further in terms of time.. But in terms of being effecient, it will be pretty hard to beat.

    What we did do flawlessly was crush him in melee. Impressive display of skill from all players and definetely the most flawless melee assault i've seen. And the only run i've seen with --zero-- serious mistakes. 3 ESoS melee, top threat stalwart tank (I only offtanked maybe sub 1min as he managed to avoid most debuffs blocking) and near-flawless fort debuffs was the key I think.

    Lead by Vizjeri (Elite raiders) and few other from Elite Raiders, but was a pug imo. 7+ different guilds, not entirely planned. All awesome players, most of us knew each other.

    Pretty nice loot too. Vizjeri got a full empty and greater cell, plenty of spirits. I actaully just completed my first tier3 too on sorc, its pretty sweet.

    Xp Report
    Loots: Got exquisit fire.. Cpl full exquisit empties dropped (Viz got one and a greater cell), misc other junks.. This raid really should be dropping +4 tomes..
    Just made this for my sorc:

    Above with details on (you know its a nice weapon when it has so many enchantments doesn't fit on a 1920x1080 rez screen lol)

    Also check out Vizjeri's thread on khyber forum for pics of group shot:

    Next time: We gain extra lives and use a negative amount of mana pots?
    Last edited by Shade; 01-08-2012 at 05:34 PM. Reason: Pics added

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