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Thread: 2nd wizard life

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Sep 2010

    Default 2nd wizard life

    I am currently on life 2, first life was a Cleric and second life is a Palemaster Human pure level 20 wizard. I am looking to get at least 1 more wizard life before going with at least 2 sorc lives.

    So my question is what would I need to really get a decent wizard that will only hang out at 20 long enough to collect tokens or should I try to collect enough tokens for the next tr this life?

    My thoughts were going more melee route, but I do not have a monk at the moment and I would like to grab traps. I am not sure that a 18/2 rogue palemaster would be able to do much melee and would be just another cast that happens to be able to grab traps.

    No I do not want to do warforge, I do not like the way they look so that is out of the question. I do need to get enough Wizard levels to qualify for the second wiz life though so it has to be at least 12 levels right? And I want to be able to self heal so that is Palemaster as I am not going to be a toaster on two legs.

    Would a 12/6/2 Wiz, fighter, rogue work out well? I was thinking the following stats

    Str - 16
    dex - 8
    con - 16
    Int - 17
    Wis - 8
    Chr - 11

    Level up to strength and THF feats as I am not looking to splash monk so no handwraps this life. I want intelligence high enough to make use of the insightful reflex feat as well as skill points to keep the skills I want maxed. Charisma will get a boost with gear and human adaptability.

    I do have +2 strength, +2 con, +3 charisma and I will probably have a +3 intelligence when I get done with my 20th shroud completion.

    Alternative I could go shield and board as I have some nice bastard swords and the chimera fang that I am missing the scroll I think to make it epic. I have a conc-op but no torc yet, does not want to drop for me for some reason. I have the Denelith chain and Cove armor, plus some nice shields tower and heavy all mithiral and crafted with the ASF.

    Anyway any advice will be helpful, I will not be TR'ing for a little bit here as I want to get raid completions done first and my time is limited this month, but I do not want to be scouring around after I get some time to figure out what I am going to do with my second wizard life.

  2. #2
    Community Member Mrmorphling's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    If you want to grab a wizard past life in an unconventional way (because just a plain human PM 20 will be the fastest both to level and to farm tokens) you can try the following build idea:

    I used it to grab a PL for my caster FvS as i already had levelled 2 "standard" PM and i couldn't bear another one :P but i wanted the saucy PL.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Mrmorphling View Post
    If you want to grab a wizard past life in an unconventional way (because just a plain human PM 20 will be the fastest both to level and to farm tokens) you can try the following build idea:

    I used it to grab a PL for my caster FvS as i already had levelled 2 "standard" PM and i couldn't bear another one :P but i wanted the saucy PL.
    I know that a pure human palemaster is the fastest to level and farm token and before I go on I would try to get all the tokens I need for the next few lives, but I like to plan things out and who knows I might not like what I read here and just go with another pure palemaster. After this one I might do one more wizard, but I am thinking of doing 2 sorc past lives first, then maybe another wizard and another sorc before doing 1 more cleric and then settling into the final cleric life I have planned out.

    I will look over that build for sure, just a quick glance I like what I see. Need to get some equipment though that is listed there that I do not have yet. specifically the SOS, I wonder how much it would change it up if I went shield and board and used the eFang? I have that weapon and almost everything I need to craft it to epic...

  4. #4
    Community Member Mrmorphling's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    You can both use eFang or an array of crafted falchions Holy Burst of Greater bane (i did the latter and it was absolutely fine, ofc eSoS is better but...)

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