Under level 50 you can still craft some very useful items to get you all the way to your Fens gear - I just TR'd my main for the first time over the holidays, and his crafting is right around 40/40/40. He's in a decent level guild (63) so I hunted the AH for as many items with medium guild slots as I could find. Bracers/Adamantine Armor (expensive but worth it
)/Necklaces, etc. Having 90% fortification at level 7 is nice (crafted Moderate Fort belt, 15% guild crystal on Armor), as well as +60 SP and +15 HP. +2 Attack bonus goggles come in handy too at level 7. Crafted Flametouched Iron mauls of lesser undead bane for those pesky skellies in Delera's. Crafted Superior Potency II/Ardor II items. The list goes on and on. Just play around with the bound shard device, you might be surprised at what you can make for a lowbie.