I'm rather curious to see why people pick Paladin over, say, Fighter, Barbarian, and Cleric.
What is your reason for picking the Lawful Good warrior with some divine powers?
My reasons for wanting to play Paladin actually have something to do with a cult-classic game series known as Quest for Glory. In that game series, the Paladin was a prestige class for Fighters (with the only other classes being Wizard and Thief)
The Paladin archetype was strictly Neutral Good. Or even "True Good". Paladins neither disrespected nor respected the law. Their entire goal was to do what was Right(tm) as according to the Will of the Universe. As their Honor grew, they would be able to perform more feats of power. Their power relied on "Stamina" instead of Magic, like the Wizard's powers did. These powers included things like having one's sword be wreathed in a blue flame of honor that could deal extra damage to demons and enemies weak to fire... the iconic ability of being able to heal one's self or others (and indeed, for two whole games, the Paladin was the only character able to heal himself without drinking a potion) and stuff like being able to detect danger.
In short, he was awesome. You were able to unlock the prestige with any class in the second game (though it would change the very nature of your character to do so) but you weren't allowed to play it until the third game (because you unlocked it in the very ending) and in the third game, they gave Fighters one last chance to unlock the Prestige... and it was practically forced upon them if they weren't jerks, lol.
...But anyways, my point is, he was awesome, and indeed, that has sparked much of my love for Paladins. Despite the fact that the Paladin of this game is mostly different, there's still a bit of affection there.
That and being able to burst-heal yourself is awesome.