My Palemaster Plan, please review to make sure i'm not missing anything or wrong about things I do have.
20 Human Wizard
Strength: 11 +2(tome) +6(item) +2(ship) = 21
Dexterity: 8 +2(tome) +2(ship) = 12
Constitution: 17 +2(tome) +6(item) +2(exceptional) +1(enhancement) +2(ship) +2(yugo) +4(lich) = 36
Intelligence: 18 +3(tome) +7(item) +5(lvl) +3(exceptional) +4(enhancement) +2(capstone) +2(lich) +2(ship) +2(yugo) = 48
Wisdom: 8 +2(tome) +6(item) +2(ship) = 18
Charisma: 8 +2(tome) +2(ship) = 12
1 - Toughness
1H - Mental Toughness
1W - Extend
3 - SF: Necro
5W - Maximize
6 - GSF: Necro
9 - Insightful Reflexes
10W - Heighten
12 - Quicken
15 - Spell Pen
15W - Empower
18 - G.Spell Pen
20W - SF: Enchantment
Spell DC's:
10 base
9 spell lvl
19 int mod
2 epic SoIS
40 base DC in all schools
Necro: 40 +2(feat) +1(lich form) = 43
Ench: 40 +1(feat) +2(vamp form) = 43
Spell Pen:
20 caster lvl
4 feat
3 enhancement
2 spell pen IX
29 on all spells (not great but not bad for first life)
Gear (* indicates I have, or have all ingredients for)
Head: *GS ConOp 45hp
NecK: Torc / Amrath Sup Pot6 when needed
Trinket: *Spyglass (-15% ASF green slot)
Cloak: *Epic Cloak of Flames (Hvy Fort blue slot)
Chest: *Epic Robe of Shadows
Goggles: *Magewright Spectacles
Wrist: *Epic Bracers of Wind (resist +4 yellow slot)
Waist: *Cannith crafted 6con with LGA: 80sp
Gloves: *GS 3xAir (5reflex, 150sp)
Boots: Propulsion / Anchoring
Ring1: ToD - any 6str 1x w/ (2 exc Con)
Ring2: *Epic Ring of Elemental Essence (Blindness immunity yellow slot)
Mainhand: *Epic Staff of Inner Sight (Toughness purple slot)
Alt Mainhand: *Epic Ornamental Dagger - possibly ConOp weapon
Alt Offhand: Lorriks (for 15 base blocking DR and only 15% ASF)
Enhancement wise the plan is to focus on Lightning/Fire damage (little or none in crit lines) with remaining points in Ice. Haven't checked with a planner but ideally I can get to 7/0/0 in those 3 elements (ice mainly just for niacs).
Skill wise the priorities are as follows:
Max Concentration
Max Hide
Max Move Silently
Max Bluff
Max Spot
10 Jump (including str mod)
1 Tumble
any remaining in something like Haggle.
The main goal for this character is epics & end game raiding with a viable role, epic solo-capable, and decent boss dps (certainly not approaching that of a savant). Will most likely TR 3x for Wiz past and active feats (replacing SF:ench) and to replace SP/GSP with shield proficiency/shield mastery. I am anticipating 500-ish HP and approximately 2200sp give or take.