Congrats guys, really nice coordination!
I have some questions and would love your feedback:
:: I noticed you guys dont debuff LoB (at least the Arcanes), isnt worth it overall or not viable on epic?
:: How did you dropped the pillars, everyone focused on it (even casters)?
:: The Artificer and Bard were DPSing or Healing?
:: I noticed you used quite a few pots, did you used them since it was a speed run or all your epic runs are pot expensive?
:: For a necro DC of 46 you need to use store pots right, or am I missing something?
Thanks in advance,
Blackmoors (Pale Master) | Bloodrake (Defender of Siberys) | Darckmoor (Angel of Vengeance) | Doulbelades (Berserker) | Thayed (Warchanter)
-We do the important debuffs ..imp destroy,imp sunder,touch of despair,impcurse ,weaken construct ..might not all the time all the buffs in speed run though cause of the increased speed things r moving
-Prismatic ray spell /scrolls u uber for pillars cause they insta kill important on epic cause of increased hp
-everyone was dpsing even the kiter was throwing dp on him
-No on non-speed runs we dont use any pots reason to.
-Just lotsa past lifes and anantela is completionist
Officer of Eternal Infinity-Thelanis
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