This other thread about class balance got me thinking about the sorcerer...
IMO one benefits from three major advantages when playing a sorcerer (four if you count easy access to UMD):
1. Very high damage output through elemental spells
IMO this is what defines a sorcerer now since the introduction of savant prestige enhancements: Highest possible nuking power on both single target and multi target.
2. Bonus on maximum available Spell Points
Ok, in pnp sorcerers get more spells per rest and that translates to more SP in DDO. I won't argue about this one. (Although... the brightest flame burns quickest, he?)
3. Faster casting
This point is what puzzles me.
The sorcerer is more focused and can cast chosen spells more efficient. But does that mean he can cast them faster? Maybe I missed that point during my pnp time but as far as I know all spell casters cast spells at the same rate (one spell per round).
Faster casting animation means faster reaction which is a huge overall advantage when casting any spell. Less chance of being interrupted. Faster self-healing when playing a warforged. Better chance to hit mobs before they get behind you. ("You are not facing the ..." won't see that message as often when playing a sorcerer.)
Also isn't there a feat for boosting the actual casting speed?
Then add in the reduced cool down on all spells. This effectively makes the sorcerer also the 'king of instakilling'. When facing high-fort monsters even pale masters have to use energy drain before they can finger it. The sorcerer can do this faster and more often than a pale master. (Not talking about completionists here who can wail everything even high-fort+high-sr monsters)
Faster casting also allows the sorcerer to no-fail dance almost everything very quickly and more often than even a skilled archmage can.
I would understand if the sorcerer could *nuke* faster (in addition to harder and longer) than anyone else through reduced cooldowns on evocation spells. Would make sense - although the one that hits hardest doesn't need to hit fastest also. But tell me why should a savant cast energy drain faster (if at all) than a pale master?
The only downside seems to be the limited selection of spells. But if you look at the level 9 spells for example there are not that many necessary spells. Energy drain, very useful every sorcerer will take this spell. Mass hold works for a sorcerer too on low-will monsters and grants 50% extra damage. Power word kill is obsolete (Energy drain and Finger of Death have same effect) Wail of the Banshee is obsolete too on a savant (maximized+empowered fireball or whatever has usually the same effect and works on undead too) Disjunction would be very usefull - theoretically - but has no use at all in DDO. Time Stop not available. Spell protection spell (forgot the name) not available.
Also keep in mind that through usage of UMD and scrolls the sorcerer is not really the most focused spell caster but rather the most versatile caster who can UMD lots of divine spells too. Not that important though because you can get clickies, pots or cookies for everything now.
Oh and no I don't hate sorcerers.. Honestly I think with the addition of warforged to the game all the balance went to hell anyway... So don't take this to serious... Just wondering about this faster casting ability and since some officials asked for it I made a post.