Looking to make a 36 point pali tank but have a few questions regarding pali's.
First of all I this build will be primarily used as a tank raids only (e-chrono, VOD, TOD, EDQ, E-Von, MA, LOB), as I have other toons better adapted for the 6 man epic quests, when this toon is not tanking i would like it still to put out meaningful dps
I would prefer this toon to be primarily THF'ing in most raids to take advantage of my ESOS and switch to S&B for the tougher raids (Epic LOB, E-VOD/TOD).
AC is not a primary concern but if i can get meaningful AC for normal/hard vod/tod i'd be happy...DR is a main concern from what i see/hear from folks
1) Race:
Human: extra feat for feat starved class, extra amp, racial stat boost
H-elf: Dilettante feat (prob barb or fighter as monk is exp due to stats), extra amp, racial stat boost
Dwarf: more HP's, dwarf enhancements
From my understanding the main reason people are taking human/h-elf over dwarfs is really the for the extra healing amp. I question how important the extra amp since I can get: (5% pali past life, 10% ship buff, 30% claw, 20% tod or DT, 10% DT), is the extra 20% really that important?
2) Multiclass or Pure:
Pure: capstone for more dps
18 pali/2 fighter: fighter str, haste boost, combat enhancements. 2 extra feats
18/pali/2 monk: evasion when required, extra ac, 2 extra feats
3) Weapon choices:
when THF'ing well it will be the ESOS all the time but when I need to go to S&B....what do I use? Dwarf I imagine Dwarf axe, but if I choose human or H-elf....do I go bastard sword and take 1 dragonmark feat for the e-fang so I can get glancing blows?
Thats it for now...will have a few more later.