I Am pretty bored with my pure cleric. It is an amazing healbot, but that's it.
I want to try being either epic at offensive casting (As epic as a cleric can be) or epic at meleeing (again, as much as a cleric can).
I am inclining more towards caster, since I got used to the incredibley strong barbarian and fighter, and was also considering 18\2 monk build, but I realized that it will greatly harm my offensive casting (2 spell penetration...)
So help me out here guys:
1) How well can a melee oriented cleric heal in raids? (the big raids, on hard and elite.) - how much SP can it achieve?
2) How good can a cleric be at the melee role?
3) I know a 18\2 monk build has huge benefits (two extra feats, EVASION!, wisdom bonus to AC...) but how much w ill it hurt my casting ability?
4) Is it possible to reach an actual useful AC with a 18\2 build? (useful = not for end game\high end content, but not sacrificing other abilities)
5) Is it possible to be a melee 18\2 cleric, strength build, using wraps? (How good it is compared to sword cleric?)
6) How to distribute stats points?
7) Which race? (Everything goes)
8) feats?
9) enhancements?
10) Gear? (Please no epics, also mantion where to slot my GS HP item)
11) Last but not least: I can take my 20th shroud reward as I write this. Which of the following tomes is best for the build you suggest? +3 int\str\charisma?
I know I asked a LOT of questions, but I will very much appreciate it if they get answered with details.
Thank you all very much in advance!