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Thread: Such a pity...

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Aug 2010

    Default Such a pity...

    Hi all, first post.

    Been playing this game for just over a year now, and recently I've noticed a new, worrying trend. Low level PUG's appear to have developed higher-than-usual levels of ******-baggery over the last month. I mean things like a harbour elite level 4 group, where after the first quest the 2 leaders would not reveal the next quest they intended to do- no shares, no info, just half-arsed jokes and insults to the rest of the PUG. Or people setting up groups, then dropping group once you get outside the quest. The latest instance was a group of 5 people I joined who would not play the quest they had set up an lfm for since they were "all pikers" and wanted 1 player to do the level for them.

    As much as there is a degree of humour in these antics, they are becoming the majority rather than the casual minority, from my experience in game.

    I don't mind people not knowing quests. I don't mind failing quests. I don't mind inexperienced players. I do mind people who are simply online to waste other peoples time.

    Just wondered how many people have experienced similar on Sarlona in over December? Oh, and by the way, not a whine- I am genuinely interested in wether this is becoming more normal behaviour. Regardless, if it continues to be my experience then I'll simply stop playing- this game is something I do for fun, not to be mucked about by miserable time-wasters. That's what middle-managers are for....!

  2. #2
    Hero Marcus-Hawkeye's Avatar
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    It comes and it goes. Some days are bad, you draw the short straw and end up with the idiots. But you'll level up faster than they will and leave them behind. Only to encounter higher level dbags. They are everywhere. I find it's best to find like minded players and try to coordinate things with them, or, just do it all yourself and if needed drag a hireling along with you.

  3. #3
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    The more friends you make in the game the less and less of the dirtbags you'll see. Also you squelch list is your friend.
    Matt Walsh:
    But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Thanks for replies guys, at least I know that other people have found the same...

    Unfortunately, it doesn't solve my most immediate problem- I like to PUG with random gamers, since it's been the main way I've learned about the game.

    Squelch list has definitely been seeing more action of late though...

  5. #5
    Community Member umeannothing's Avatar
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    Default School vacations

    Schools are out until the new year as well, at least here they are, so you have quite a few more youngsters playing.

    You may want to give another server a try, no harm in that either if you feel the server your on is not meeting your expectations too.

    But generally speaking, Harbor is the zone that I pretty much solo my way through and Market is about where I start grouping. New players to the game that stick it out for that long are usually beginning to get a better feel of the game by then.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    School holidays is an interesting point, hadn't considered that....

    The "5 Pikers" incident happened in jungles of khyber elite, group level 8-10, apparently "for bravery"

    I expect a little bit of bad luck in the harbour, but in House K? Hence the post

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    i pug alot on sarlona and have a good experience 95% of the time. alot of times dbags reveal themselves in the wording they choose for thier lfms. i pass up alot of lfms because the wording rings alarm bells .

  8. #8
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    I remember when I first got characters to lvl 8 and lvl 13 I found respeccs were in order.

    I deleted my first Pally {1 FS lvl for sps}, my first Sorc {rogue splash} and my second Cleric {1 rogue lvl} at lvl 9.
    I respecced Larystessian {wiz/rogue}, Jelina Cleric/Fighter and Sylveria {Rogue/Fighter}; Greater reincarnations were in order to go to 32 pt builds on two of these.

    It's at lvl 8 that this game changes heavily for newbies.

    Jungle of Khyber for me is one of the hardest quests in game {Level dependant}. Bravery Bonus makes it even harder {BTW it's a lvl 9 quest on normal so bravery would be 8-11 - Probably wouldn't accept lvl 8s anyway}.

    Lvl 13 is another sea change.

    Personally I found groups do change at these levels too - Beforehand it didn't really matter if you had one or two eejits in party - Now it does {unless you have a Veteran TR who can basically solo it of course}.

    You also find that groups start to expect you to know the quest - It took me a long time and many runs of Tempest Spine before I could even keep up with the group never mind contribute anything meaningful.


    That Jungle of Khyber group SHOULD NOT have been attempting bravery - If they wanted someone to do the quest for them they should have opened the LFM to lvl 20s and asked for help.
    Even then to simply pike would have been bad behaviour - They'd have at least been able to learn the quest.

    You do find people like that everywhere you go though - There are 6 billion people on Earth after all.

    Another thing - Jungle of Khyber is a p2p quest {pt 3 of VoN} I wouldn't begrudge people who have just bought the pack not knowing it.
    Last edited by FranOhmsford; 12-26-2011 at 01:38 PM.

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