Allow Ki generation for archery when the monk has Zen Archery.
Allow Ki generation for archery when the monk has Zen Archery.
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
While this would certainly be nice to have, I can't really agree with it. Ki, in DDO anyway, is always generated through [meta]physical interaction. Allowing Ki generation from ranged action seems like a spiritual violation of some sort. It would essentially allow Monk AAs to never put down the bow - I know, that's the goal. Assuming [Grand]Master of the Sea stance allows for passive generation up to the base limit and I think that's about as good as it should get.
I would, however, be in favor of Ki charging ranged weapons so that additional elemental damage might be applied on a shot-to-shot basis. That at least has a partial precedent.
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
/not signed
Monk archers are already overpowered as it is.
Monks are supposed to be a melee focused class. You already got spoiled with Zen Archery. Getting ki on ranged attacks would mean charging up your shadow fade, stun, tod, ... with 10k stars and manyshot, giving you an even greater advantage over other melee.
If such does happen, throwing stars better get the Ki generation also. Just saying.
Flashious, Slashious, Bashious, Delushous, SifuTam Toustious, Sneakious
Officer - Templar - Cannith
Right because ranged combat is over powered. To quote a kobold, "really? Really!?!" So you consider something that is still the 2nd weakest combat style in ddo to be spoiled? (Throwers being worse) Are you really that afraid of a ranged toon becoming as useful as a melee? The game needs to change so that ranged players can play ranged toons instead of melee toons that occasionally use ranged. Amd lastly What a class is meant to be is up for debate. Fighters barbarians and monks are all good bases for a ranged toon. Warrior type classes are meant to be goid at combat. Not just a single narrow type of combat. Where the llayer focuses that is different from what the class should have the ability to do.
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
Is that why I've been seeing all those LFM's that say "monk archers only please?"
If archery is so over-powered, how come no one wants an AA in their Epics?
Is it because they're known to just blow everything away making it unfair for the other classes?
Ridiculous !
I was not speaking of a balancing problem, but rather a class conception issue. I enjoy playing Monk AAs and know of several historical examples upon which to base them - Samurai, Lie Zi archers, etc. My main issues with ranged Ki generation is not that it would overpower the class, but rather that it would not fit the class in a spiritual sense. I don't mean to be all Zen or anything, but Ki comes from within. Allowing Ki to be generated from external, ranged sources moves it into the realm of Dragon Ball Z. While that would be exceptionally enjoyable to play, I just don't see it being a part of D&D or DDO.
Just my viewpoint.
I wasn't arguing against your point, because what you said is true. I was just presenting the other side of the coin. My personal opinion is that they should just seriously reduce the ki cost, 5-10 would be more appropriate. I also think any monk not in combat should auto refen ki if they are below there stable holding point.
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
Ki costs were reduced for elemental strikes in U10 or U11 - I forget which.
The other side of the coin. An interesting perspective.
But, let me pose a question: What other class can obtain the necessary energy to utilize a fundamental aspect of its ability through simply performing basic functions? Other than monk; not a single one. Only monks can regain the power to offensively or defensively strike again and again without relying upon an external source. This is the strength of the class. Considering such, the cost of any singular Ki strike is negligible. Resource management does not apply to monks in any meaningful way. They are, in essence, the ultimate arbiters of their own fate.
I do agree that monks should re-cooperate Ki automagically to their base while not in a quest. "Not in combat" implies several instances which would be difficult to interpret. Water stance provides such a mechanism for any occasion.
Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule 2: Its all small stuff
Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
more rules to come in a different sig
Also would like to be able to use Ki strikes with centred ranged attacks
Here's the thing.
As an archer, I've grown really weary of taking melee feats in order to be able to put down the bow 80% of the time to appease the melee crowd.
Feats are very precious and it hurts to have to focus on both melee as well as ranged.
I feel we should have a 10k stars ability on all the time certainly by lvl 18 or 20 when mob HP's have grown beyond reason.
At those levels, barbarians can crit X6 on a 19-20 and anyone can carry the Epic SoS and each mob carries around 10k hp's anyway (in epics and amrath elites).
To keep ranged weak at those levels, for no other reason then to appease the melee crowd is to kill off a really fun aspect of the game for no reason whatsoever.
To see fellow players come on here and request that ranged be kept weak despite the fact that it has already been shown to be ineffective in epics and high level quests relative to melee is discouraging.
At high levels, there is no excuse at all for an archer build to not have a 10k star like ability that is on all the time.
EDIT: The main problem is that ranged doesn't scale at high levels (18+) the way melee does.
Last edited by Maximus1; 01-01-2012 at 09:57 AM.
base principle of ddo is that of dnd. as ranged principle monks gain like ability of many shot with 10k stars. so the action should not require ki, but have shared cd with many shot.
but with artificers with their individual weapons and items threw out eberron, i do believe it would be convient to have monk items drop threwout eberron as well. "Kensai Wraps", "Kensai Great Sword", Kensai Star", Kensai Longbow": taking place of a Metaline enhancement still allowing prefix and suffix of weapon drops.
As a Kensai Weapon would do just as it sounds.
"This weapon hums with a natural energy with harmonious ballance. Such an item is sought out by collectors and monks threwout Eberron." hidden effect; this weapon type allows maintaining center and grants the wilder passive Ki generation while equiped if the wilder uses ki.
As a Kensai Weapon would be a Master Monks weapon, same like Metaline usually not found prior lvl 11.
Kensei is a Fighter prestige, not a Monk one, so naming them "Kensei" whatever will just be confusing.
Also, I think the word you're looking for is "throughout".![]()