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  1. #1
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    Default What cannith crafting would you do as you level up?

    I have made a couple of characters on other servers so I do not have the access to the crafter on my main server. So the question is what cannith crafting would you put on your equipment with a new character just starting out?

    For my weapons so far I have the following, the character is going to be a twf cleric that solo mostly.

    +2 fire touch silver shortsword of lesser undead bane
    Scimitar from Redwillow (cannot think of the name)
    +2 fire touch Densewood club of lesser undead bane
    +2 fire touch warhammer of lesser undead bane

    +2 lesser acid guard mithral chain of light fortification

    The character is level 8 right now so doing necro quests, I am sure I could get better weapons from the AH but I do like the undead bane and they seem to be overpriced by a lot.

    So anyway, if you were leveling up a new character without access to a crafter what would you do item wise? I do not want to use the AH, nor do I want to find someone to craft the items for me. The goal of starting on a new server was to see how far I could get doing all the crafting myself from scratch.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Invulnerability ASAP!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    Invulnerability ASAP!
    I did not think of that one, have to see if I can craft it. Although I do not have long before it will be no good about another 4 levels that will go by fast in necro.

  4. #4
    Community Member WoD-IroN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mubjon View Post
    I have made a couple of characters on other servers so I do not have the access to the crafter on my main server. So the question is what cannith crafting would you put on your equipment with a new character just starting out?

    For my weapons so far I have the following, the character is going to be a twf cleric that solo mostly.

    +2 fire touch silver shortsword of lesser undead bane
    Scimitar from Redwillow (cannot think of the name)
    +2 fire touch Densewood club of lesser undead bane
    +2 fire touch warhammer of lesser undead bane

    +2 lesser acid guard mithral chain of light fortification

    The character is level 8 right now so doing necro quests, I am sure I could get better weapons from the AH but I do like the undead bane and they seem to be overpriced by a lot.

    So anyway, if you were leveling up a new character without access to a crafter what would you do item wise? I do not want to use the AH, nor do I want to find someone to craft the items for me. The goal of starting on a new server was to see how far I could get doing all the crafting myself from scratch.
    depends how high your crafting is... i like to make plenty of twinkie gear for my toons. some good things are:
    Thorn Gaurd Robe of Invulnerablility - 1d6 (i think) damage to all who attack you and 5DR Magic.... this is super uber for leveling, the invuln on its own is uber but can be prone to breaking so adding throngaurd is a lil bit extra dps but also gives the item more durability.
    Holy of Bleed weapons - Pretty universal damage here, Holy and bleed work on most mobs.. as you power up try adding + enchantment values i.e +3 +4 +5 etc
    Vicious of Bleed - For when that holy damage doesnt work! (beware the 1d3 self damage) (love the universal effect of vicious though )
    Holy/Holy Burst Greatclub of Lesser/norm/Greater undead bane - powaaaaa for deleras, necro, wizking etc.
    Vicious adamantine of lesser/norm/greater construct bane - for things like golems (thinking of Tear opt golem here and marut)
    +stat items .... pretty handy for obvious reasons
    +attack bonus on goggles - really helps for leveling, especially if you have around 77 arcane to make the +4 to hit shard - a luxury usually reserved for epic items (now avaliable as ML7 (ML5 with cannith craft mark))

    these are just a few things to get the mind flowing, i find cannith crafting best for making twink like gear, some of it ill use right up to 20, others are just to close to gap to other items such as GS weapons/armor etc
    Orien - The Myths
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  5. #5
    Community Member WoD-IroN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mubjon View Post
    I did not think of that one, have to see if I can craft it. Although I do not have long before it will be no good about another 4 levels that will go by fast in necro.
    get invuln and use it right until you get your DT armor or better... ive ran many lifes running on elite spree too and i always use thorngaurd of invuln right until i can use my DT or sometimes i even use it up to 20.

    DR5 really is absolutly awsome, even when mobs are hitting you like 30+ a swing, the total damage itll block over the period of the whole quest will save you a heap load of heal pots, or sp
    Orien - The Myths
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  6. #6
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Lifeshield of invulnerability is nice as well. 10% chance of 15 freehp=1.5 stacking DR.

    Bloodrage of invulnerability for casters can be fun to play around with as well.

    I have a light mithral shield w/ medium augment and a docent with a large augment...160 sp (sorc/fvs) and 20hp at level one is nice. Generally switch between invulnerability, lifeshield, bloodrage, guards, axeblock (DQ2 only) and superior stability as I level.

    Nothing quite beats the satisfaction of having dr 5/magic at level ONE though..and it's only crafting level 15 arcane for bound. It's also important to note that very little breaks the DR for a long time. Not many mobs are swinging magical weapons it seems.

    SO much win

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by WoD-IroN View Post
    depends how high your crafting is... i like to make plenty of twinkie gear for my toons. some good things are:
    Thorn Gaurd Robe of Invulnerablility - 1d6 (i think) damage to all who attack you and 5DR Magic.... this is super uber for leveling, the invuln on its own is uber but can be prone to breaking so adding throngaurd is a lil bit extra dps but also gives the item more durability.
    Holy of Bleed weapons - Pretty universal damage here, Holy and bleed work on most mobs.. as you power up try adding + enchantment values i.e +3 +4 +5 etc
    Vicious of Bleed - For when that holy damage doesnt work! (beware the 1d3 self damage) (love the universal effect of vicious though )
    Holy/Holy Burst Greatclub of Lesser/norm/Greater undead bane - powaaaaa for deleras, necro, wizking etc.
    Vicious adamantine of lesser/norm/greater construct bane - for things like golems (thinking of Tear opt golem here and marut)
    +stat items .... pretty handy for obvious reasons
    +attack bonus on goggles - really helps for leveling, especially if you have around 77 arcane to make the +4 to hit shard - a luxury usually reserved for epic items (now avaliable as ML7 (ML5 with cannith craft mark))

    these are just a few things to get the mind flowing, i find cannith crafting best for making twink like gear, some of it ill use right up to 20, others are just to close to gap to other items such as GS weapons/armor etc
    I can do the invulnerbility on this guy right now, cannot do Thornguard need a lot more crafting experience. I can just about do holy arrows and bolts so holy weapons is still off as well.

    But thank you for the list this is what I was wondering what to craft.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    Lifeshield of invulnerability is nice as well. 10% chance of 15 freehp=1.5 stacking DR.

    Bloodrage of invulnerability for casters can be fun to play around with as well.

    I have a light mithral shield w/ medium augment and a docent with a large augment...160 sp (sorc/fvs) and 20hp at level one is nice. Generally switch between invulnerability, lifeshield, bloodrage, guards, axeblock (DQ2 only) and superior stability as I level.

    Nothing quite beats the satisfaction of having dr 5/magic at level ONE though..and it's only crafting level 15 arcane for bound. It's also important to note that very little breaks the DR for a long time. Not many mobs are swinging magical weapons it seems.

    SO much win
    I do want to get lifeshield at some point as I missed the cove event. Still a bit off I think though what is the level on that?

  9. #9
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mubjon View Post
    I do want to get lifeshield at some point as I missed the cove event. Still a bit off I think though what is the level on that?
    Divine 42, bound. So quite a bit more than invulnerability.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    Divine 42, bound. So quite a bit more than invulnerability.
    Yeah, so it is something that is down the road a bit maybe for his second life after I get crafting up a bit this life. As I am sure by the time I get his crafting level that high I might have something better to wear like DT.

  11. #11
    Community Member WoD-IroN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mubjon View Post
    Yeah, so it is something that is down the road a bit maybe for his second life after I get crafting up a bit this life. As I am sure by the time I get his crafting level that high I might have something better to wear like DT.
    getting to around 40 crafting shouldnt take you too long i dont think, if you crunch all the gear you get from running quests into essences (dont forget to use the trade person in crafting halls to swap greaters for lessers when you run of lessers) and craft items that are 50% success rate you should get up to level 40 in a few weeks max.
    another good thing i find is to list all the stuff in AH by price and buyout all the deconstructable gear that costs less than 100pp, and then go decon it for essences, youll usually find that this way is cheaper than buying the raw essences from other players
    Orien - The Myths
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by WoD-IroN View Post
    getting to around 40 crafting shouldnt take you too long i dont think, if you crunch all the gear you get from running quests into essences (dont forget to use the trade person in crafting halls to swap greaters for lessers when you run of lessers) and craft items that are 50% success rate you should get up to level 40 in a few weeks max.
    another good thing i find is to list all the stuff in AH by price and buyout all the deconstructable gear that costs less than 100pp, and then go decon it for essences, youll usually find that this way is cheaper than buying the raw essences from other players
    ahh good ideas thanks will do that when I get into the game next. I would love to get up to at least 40 so I can craft some much better gear without being tempted by the inflated AH

  13. #13
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    Really amateur question but I am still unsure after looking around:

    If my level 12 cleric leveled up crafting, could I make some of the big-name choices (Holy/Holy Burst for example) and send it to my level 1 Barbarian? I guess the simpler question is... when they say "Bound", does it mean bound to account or character?

  14. #14
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brinzy View Post
    Really amateur question but I am still unsure after looking around:

    If my level 12 cleric leveled up crafting, could I make some of the big-name choices (Holy/Holy Burst for example) and send it to my level 1 Barbarian? I guess the simpler question is... when they say "Bound", does it mean bound to account or character?
    Bound shards are BTA. It's best to have ONE crafting character and just funnel all essences into them.
    Last edited by MRMechMan; 12-31-2011 at 10:52 AM. Reason: comma at end instead of period. I was in fact done with my sentance

  15. #15
    Community Member Cardtrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    Bound shards are BTA. It's best to have ONE crafting character and just funnel all essences into them.
    Just to add on a bit: the shards are BTA but the resulting item is BTC. However, you don't need crafting skill to add a shard to an item. So you make the bound shard on your crafter and give it to your new character, who then adds it to an item.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard_Zero View Post
    One day I just wrote "Why Do I Die So Much?" in party chat, and that is how I learned about fortification.

  16. #16
    Community Member Standal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cardtrick View Post
    Just to add on a bit: the shards are BTA but the resulting item is BTC. However, you don't need crafting skill to add a shard to an item. So you make the bound shard on your crafter and give it to your new character, who then adds it to an item.
    Better yet, if you can get a BTA blank, the item you make will be BTA instead of BTC. BTA blanks drop in Sharn Syndicate and Red Fens.

  17. #17
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    That's what I wanted to hear!

    Thanks fellas

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