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  1. #21
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    they jacked the prices of every ship and item to insane levels. Last Month the ship was 25 Diamonds and 80K .. now it's lammania prices. which are horrible.
    No they did not change the prices. You are lying outright and need to stop it.

    -1 for trolling, lies and attempting to spread FUD

  2. #22
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Combat_Wombat View Post
    The prices are the same as they've ever been the only change since the airships launched is that you can buy the first plat airship at guild level 15 via astral diamonds. Stop spreading false information and trying to inflame people with lies. Go back to whatever bridge you live under and practice your trolling more.
    Um.. They were NOT Always those prices, Only On lammania which always gets the changes FIRST - Which means they decided to jack up the prices because they want people to pay cash for them!). I was playing this game for years now and only months before the ships were reasonably priced.

  3. #23
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taujack View Post
    Um.. They were NOT Always those prices, Only On lammania which always gets the changes FIRST - Which means they decided to jack up the prices because they want people to pay cash for them!). I was playing this game for years now and only months before the ships were reasonably priced.
    Its the same price as it was last year when our guild got its L25 ship. You obviously misread something somewhere.

  4. #24
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Um.. They were NOT Always those prices, Only On lammania which always gets the changes FIRST - Which means they decided to jack up the prices because they want people to pay cash for them!). I was playing this game for years now and only months before the ships were reasonably priced.
    Yes prices on Lamannia are cheap because Lamannia is a TEST SERVER and what happens there does not mean it will happen on live servers. Everyone is aware of this.

    The prices of ships haven't changed since they were released. Stop lying and stop replying to your own thread to try and get your post last so it seems like you're right. You are wrong. oh look, a post from June 28 2010 showing the cost of astral diamonds. Same pricing as of January 2012.

  5. #25
    Community Member ~Quilny's Avatar
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    Default Im angry

    Quote Originally Posted by taujack View Post
    What the hell is DDO thinking in increasing the prices of airships 50 and 100 fold?

    I saw no news about this price change and i hope it's a bug.
    I was going to upgrade from a lvl 20 ship to the stormbolt lvl 25 today and now it costs 120 Astral Diamonds (that's $120 in turbine points)

    how is this even FAIR to Small Guilds

    DDO is fun and all but NOT Worth $500 in turbine points for upgrades.
    Airships are free
    1st of all my Friend you can Find astral Dimonds. They are free. yoiu may choose to buy them.
    2nd You can buy the ships with plat. Sure the astral ships are better but this game is F2P and ddo needs to make money some how.
    3rd its been stated already but your math is wrong will not cost $500.
    4th is Anger leads to hate and hate leads towards the dark side

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