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  1. #1
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Mech's Trade List

    edit: game uninstalled at the moment

    Primarily Looking for:
    +3 hearts of wood
    medium/small eberrons (15k small/55k med)
    TP codes
    +8 cha EH/EE blue dragon helm

    Shavarath Boot Ing:
    3x Demons Blood
    4x Devil's Keepsakes
    4x Pure Shavarath Iron
    3x mysterious artifacts

    Valuable Collectables:
    36x luminescent dusts
    940x sparkling dusts
    19x fragrant drowshods
    27x Lightning-split soarwood
    16x white dragon scales
    22x blue dragon scales
    3x black dragon scales
    7x flawless white dragonscales
    4x flawless black dragonscales
    1x flawless blue dragonscale
    11x flawless red dragonscales
    10x flawless green dragonscales
    228x ancient dragon relics
    136x ancient elven relics
    147x ancient giant relics

    Greensteel Base Ing:
    67x Petals
    65x Husks
    87x Fungus
    46x Pebbles
    24x Twigs
    31x Funk

    Greensteel Larges:
    40x Scales
    60x shrapnel
    35x stones
    45x chains
    60x bones
    35x arrowheads

    EPIC SCROLLS: Price on request; cheaper than AH, within reason (~1/2 to 2/3 of AH prices)

    La Carnival:
    3x Big top
    4x Mask of Comedy
    2x Mirror Cloak
    1x noxious fang
    5x Shimmering pendant
    6x Mask of Tragedy
    3x Garos' malice
    6x Kronzek
    9x Ringleader
    4x Grims
    6x Brimstone
    6x Utility Vest
    3x Illusionist's robe
    2x Phiarlan Spy Dagger

    Red Fens:
    6x Sirens Charm
    3x Boots of the mire
    1x ring of the mire
    1x greatclub of the scrag
    5x Necklace of Venom
    3x Ring of Venom
    2x Sirens Belt
    4x Souleater
    4x Sacred Helm
    2x Elders Cap
    3x Elders Focus
    3x Cacophonic Verge
    2x Robe of Dissonence
    1x Shamans Band
    2x shamans beads
    2x claw bracers

    Vault of Night:
    4x Azure necklace
    2x Belt Mroranon
    1x Cloak of the Silver Chonchord
    2x Crimson necklace
    3x Dragons eye
    4x Hammer of Life
    2x Helm Mroranon
    2x Ironweave robe
    1x Kundarak Delving boots
    3x Kundarak Delving goggles
    2x Kundarak Delving suit
    3x Kundarak Warding bracers
    2x Kundarak Warding shield
    6x Ring silver concord
    4x Ruby encrusted gauntlets
    4x Silver prophecy necklace

    1x Stinkpelts Hide
    1x Spirit sight goggs
    1x Mummy wrappings
    2x Unkors cleaver
    1x Spectral mittens
    1x bloodstone
    1x mirage
    1x fighting leathers
    1x vulkoorim pendent
    1x ring of baphomet

    1x Hellstroke
    1x diab docent
    1x diab robe
    1x infested armor
    2x staff of nat gann
    1x envenomed cloak
    1x scorched bracers

    1x jitz
    1x winters wrath
    1x midnight's greetins

    Web of Chaos:

    2x fury of the flame
    3x templars justice
    2x bow of the silver flame
    1x doublecross bow
    1x luminous truth

    8 flawless siberys dragonshards
    3 exceptional siberys dragonshards
    151 siberys dragonshards
    2x Large Ingredient Bags
    1x Large Gem Bag
    2x martial power cells
    5x mystical power cells
    9x greater power cells
    3x power cells
    2x lesser power cells
    invis pots
    3x Pale Lav ioun stone
    61 soul gems: strong essense of water
    20 soul gems: strong essense of earth
    Red Augment of demons ruin (good/cold iron)
    Red Augment of xoriats ruin (lawful/byshyk)

    3x Silver Longbow
    Muck's doom
    ML23 Magnetism of elec mastery
    2x Alchemical repeating heavy crossbow
    AML20 adamantine greataxe
    ML10 +1 banishing handwraps
    ML14 +3holy of greater undead bane handwraps
    Hand of the tombs
    ML25 scepter 120repair ench mastery
    ML16 +4 holy burst of bleeding handwraps
    ML24 +4 errosive (disint/G stone prison) of disruption longbow
    ML24 +6 caustic falchion of hemorraging
    ML25 corrosion club of acid mastery

    ML1 helm 1x invis/rest
    ML1 necklace with medium guild slot
    ML5 cloak 5x invis/rest
    ML7 bracers 5x invis/rest
    ML7 ring 3x haste/rest
    ML7 goggles 3x haste/rest
    ML9 bracers +2 armor 3x invis/rest
    ML22 ring +6 dex +6 resistance
    ML23 cloak +7 cha +6 resistance
    ML23 cloak 25% exp fort +5 resistance
    ML24 cloak +2insightful cha 40 cold resist
    ML24 belt +2insightful str +13 balance
    ML24 boots +2insightful con +13 jump
    ML24 cloak +1exp cha +7 resistance
    ML24 cloak +2 insightful dex +6 resistance
    ML24 ring +6 cha archmagi
    ML24 cloak +2 insightful cha +6 resistance
    ML24 turbin +2 insightful cha +13 concentration, small guild slot
    ML24 necklace +8 wisdom +13 dipli medium guild slot
    ML24 robe +8 armor deathblock 3% dodge +4 insight AC
    ML24 mask 108 nullification 175 sp
    ML24 bandana +2insightful int +13 concentration
    ML24 necklace +6 cha major luck (+6 resistance, +2 good luck)
    ML24 cloak 25% exp fort, +6 resistance
    ML24 ring +8 int +13 spot

    Named Items:
    gravenoks band
    Remlins Step
    Boots of the Innocent
    Firestorm greaves
    EN wizards ward (magnetism)
    EE wizards ward (impulse)
    Terrorweb Chitin Breastplate w/ +3 str
    Slavers Hand Crossbow
    Embrace of the Spider Queen +3 con
    3xSpider Silk robes +8 cha
    Spider Silk robes +8 int
    Spider Silk robes +3 cha
    Spider Spun Caparison +8 dex
    grave wrappings
    EH firebreak

    EN jeweled cloak
    EH ring of the stormreaver prophecy
    EH giantcraft siberys compass
    EH arcing sky
    EE silver ingot arcanum
    EE adamantine knuckles
    2x EH The mountains fist

    +6 natural armor
    +1 exp int
    +6 wis


    Send a tell either via forum message or ingame. Will be updating post as things change.
    Last edited by MRMechMan; 03-06-2013 at 04:31 AM.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Helm scroll.

    1x funk
    1x twig
    1x fungus
    6x petal
    4x husk
    1x blood
    various collectables
    dusty ioun stone
    several weapons
    various epic scrolls

    Mirror cloak scroll
    +6 wisdom ML11 (RR:midget) necklace
    necklace (w/ medium augment)
    Large Ingredients Bag
    Large Ingredients Bag
    Large Collectables Bag
    Several greensteel base ing

  3. #3
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    49x fragrant drowshods
    18x luminescent dusts
    couple weapons
    1x garos scroll
    1x kronzek scroll
    3x white dragon scales

    Khopesh w/ medium augment
    Longsword w/ medium augment
    Kama w/ medium augment
    gloves w/ medium augment
    2 lightning-split soarwood
    3 fragrant drowshod

    Now also looking for:
    1x Scroll of Roderics Wand

  4. #4
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    EAntique Scroll
    Brawn Spirits Scroll
    2 funks
    6 pebbles
    few weapons

    Tome page legend V (position 2)
    Tome page legend VIII (position 3)
    Tome page legend VIII (position 3)
    docent w/ medium augment x2
    spectral gloves
    Armored Bracers +8 (ML17)

  5. #5
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010



    Special Offers:

    First person to send me a tell ingame gets a free carnival scroll of their choosing (not mirror cloak, not ring of elemental essence. all others on list are fair game) The catch? Link up the shard and seal to at least semi-prove you aren't just chucking it back up on the AH. [done, grats]

    First THREE people to send me a tell ingame get their choice of a greensteel base ing, excluding funk. Limit 1 per household. Not that I can really check that
    Last edited by MRMechMan; 02-07-2012 at 08:48 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member GarrMoreno's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Nice bud.
    Trade with him!=D

  7. #7
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Well, I sent a pm yesterday and got no response so far.
    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

    "Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

  8. #8
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I do not check my forum inbox hourly, as I tend to spend more time ingame then on the forums. Also am living on the other side of the world from most people. So if I go 8 hrs without responding that could just be me sleeping .

    PM responded to, but it's easiest to contact me ingame if you want to get ahold of me/discuss trades/just chat, as that is the fastest way to do so.


  9. #9
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Tome page position 2, 3
    large collectables bag
    1x ring of moderate fort ML7
    2x docent w/ medium augment
    ~10 small eberron frags
    some weapons

    several handwraps

    Several accessories
    2x souleater
    1x ring of moderate fort ML7

    ML19 greater potency I ring of the archmagi
    several weapons
    a mystical power cell

    Aquired: Roderics wand scroll ()

  10. #10
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010



  11. #11
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Happy new year!


  12. #12
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Updated! (more tomes, scales, a few U17 items)

  13. #13
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010



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