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  1. #1
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    Default 28pt, TWF Human 18/2 Sorr/Fighter, Entirely serious

    Yes, you read that right.

    28 point, Human, Sorr, and two weapon fighting. No, I'm not crazy.

    Reasoning behind this build: I got a friend coming into DDO from a PNP game we both played. He played a human sorrcer with a CN/TN alinement who got a few lucky rolls at chargen, and as such ran around as a a elderich knight with a longsword/shortsword combo. The DM thought it was silly, but he was acualy somewhat effective.

    Now, this is DDO, so lucky rolls are elimanated, however, I've been debateing how best to capture that build again, if only in theme. In the last few months, I've scene these forums put out a number of incredible builds, and so I pose this as somewhat of a challenge.

    Abailty scores I thought maybe going:
    STR 10
    Dex 16
    Con 14
    Int 8
    Wis 8
    Cha 16

    with level up points going into Dex, (for the Two weapon Fighting line, don't plan on makeing tomes a requirement) and then Cha Cha and Cha (with human adapt: Cha+ 2 sorr cha enchantments caping bace cha at 22)

    and with feats looking something like this:
    Feats: 1 Empower,
    hu Extend Spell,
    2 Two Weapon Fighting (fighter)
    3 Weapon finesse
    6 Spell Focus: Evocation
    9 Improved Two weapon fighting
    10 Greater Two weapon Fighting (Fighter)
    12 Spell Penatration
    15 Greater Spell Penatration
    18th Toughness

    and wraping out skills with Con and UMD.

    Well, DDO, am I insane? Or is there some way that this build could possibly work?

  2. #2
    Community Member ArcaneMelee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aquor View Post
    Well, DDO, am I insane? Or is there some way that this build could possibly work?
    Insane? Highly doubt it, but really only you or a close acquaintance can say for certain.

    Possibly work? Sure, and if you run with friends it could even be fun.

    However, this isn't the place for those kinds of questions. You would be better served by asking "Is it optimal", or "Am I doing something wrong that I will be chastised for relentlessly?".

    The answer for those is "No", and "Yes" (respectively).

    Edit: To clarify, the focus on these forums is (for the most part) about squeezing every last advantage out of a build that you can.

    You are splashing 2 Fighter for melee (and spending 10 build points and 4 feats), but with such a low strength and limited options to boost your melee damage your TWF is going to be pathetic. At the same time, starting with only 16 charisma and not putting all of your level-ups into Charisma you're going to struggle to land save-or-[insert bad thing here] spells. Lastly, you are losing the sorc capstone which boosts the damage your spells do, not to mention a significant chunk of spell points.

    If you want to play a melee caster, they can be a great deal of fun. Don't expect to run into many understanding folks, though.
    Last edited by ArcaneMelee; 12-24-2011 at 03:26 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member darkniteyogi's Avatar
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    You could probably easily pull of a THF Sorc or THF Wiz. Sorc's free SLA's use so little SP that you can do them often enough that you don't need to do melee at all and still have alot of SP left, making Melee really not so needed. Given that melee is not so needed, TWF the more, not so needed. And wasting feats for it, all the more sub optimal.

    It may be another story if you Dump CHA altogether and go Str based all the way, as there are quite a few spells that dont need DC's like lvl 8 Polar Ray, Black Dragon Bolt, Niac's Biting cold, Eldar's electric surge? 2nd and so forth ticks of Ice storm? Acid Rain? (Not sure on all of these)

    So like:
    14 Str
    15 Dex
    14 Con
    8 Int
    8 Wis
    8 Cha

    maybe more experienced players can give more comments.
    Last edited by darkniteyogi; 12-24-2011 at 03:25 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member DragonTroy's Avatar
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    what you are trying to create here is what the ddo community has dubbed a "battle caster." and they are are about as hated as battle clerics, from the few i have seen.

    that being said, there is a build from a while back that did something similar to this:

    if you do decide to do this, check out some of the comments, because as i stated it is an old build and some things have changed since then
    Quote Originally Posted by DragonTroy View Post

    at one point during the aggro issues i pulled horoth on my monk, which i admit i kind of enjoyed for about half a second. but then he hit me.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonTroy View Post
    what you are trying to create here is what the ddo community has dubbed a "battle caster." and they are are about as hated as battle clerics, from the few i have seen.
    Really, this is meant as more a theme build, not a optimal build, so I don't really care, since me and my friend will mostly be tag-team adventuring together . That being said, I'm sorry if this post is on the wrong boards.

    Don't really understand the rouge levels on the build you posted, just for the self-sufficiently against traps and locks+ Evasion I guess?

    Anywho, thanks for the information. I'll try to see if I can convince my friend to drop either casting (going 20 fighter) or the weapons (pure sorr) , that would certenly be easier.

  6. #6
    Community Member DragonTroy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aquor View Post
    Really, this is meant as more a theme build, not a optimal build, so I don't really care, since me and my friend will mostly be tag-team adventuring together . That being said, I'm sorry if this post is on the wrong boards.

    Don't really understand the rouge levels on the build you posted, just for the self-sufficiently against traps and locks+ Evasion I guess?

    Anywho, thanks for the information. I'll try to see if I can convince my friend to drop either casting (going 20 fighter) or the weapons (pure sorr) , that would certenly be easier.
    it isn't bad really, i was just letting you know, some are not very accepting of something out of the ordinary, it was meant as a warning, not an insult

    moving on, yes, the rogue levels are about the ability to use trapping skills and the evasion. when you combine the high charisma of the sorc, the divine grace from the paladin, the immunities of the warforged, and the evasion, you are nearly immune to all spells and traps, unless you roll a one of course

    oh, and if the battle arcane doesn't work out, maybe your friend could try a bard? they have greater melee ability and better ability to multiclass than an sorc or wizard
    Quote Originally Posted by DragonTroy View Post

    at one point during the aggro issues i pulled horoth on my monk, which i admit i kind of enjoyed for about half a second. but then he hit me.

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