Yes, you read that right.

28 point, Human, Sorr, and two weapon fighting. No, I'm not crazy.

Reasoning behind this build: I got a friend coming into DDO from a PNP game we both played. He played a human sorrcer with a CN/TN alinement who got a few lucky rolls at chargen, and as such ran around as a a elderich knight with a longsword/shortsword combo. The DM thought it was silly, but he was acualy somewhat effective.

Now, this is DDO, so lucky rolls are elimanated, however, I've been debateing how best to capture that build again, if only in theme. In the last few months, I've scene these forums put out a number of incredible builds, and so I pose this as somewhat of a challenge.

Abailty scores I thought maybe going:
STR 10
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 8
Wis 8
Cha 16

with level up points going into Dex, (for the Two weapon Fighting line, don't plan on makeing tomes a requirement) and then Cha Cha and Cha (with human adapt: Cha+ 2 sorr cha enchantments caping bace cha at 22)

and with feats looking something like this:
Feats: 1 Empower,
hu Extend Spell,
2 Two Weapon Fighting (fighter)
3 Weapon finesse
6 Spell Focus: Evocation
9 Improved Two weapon fighting
10 Greater Two weapon Fighting (Fighter)
12 Spell Penatration
15 Greater Spell Penatration
18th Toughness

and wraping out skills with Con and UMD.

Well, DDO, am I insane? Or is there some way that this build could possibly work?