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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Gear to look for when leveling?


    I know I should look for items (random drops, crafting, AH or whatever) with WIS, CON, CHA, Striding, +HP, +SP, Fort and Saves (stability being a prime choice for saves).

    I also know I need to get clicky Ardor, Beautitude and Brilliance items - and when I reach lvl 11 a Potency V item for BB (Greater at first, Superior when ML allows).

    What I dont quite know yet is which named items I really should be looking for as they are too good to miss out on.

    Voice of the Master from Delaras I have gotten - and I may redo Delaras hoping for a Carniflex. I didnt get a Muckbane from Dirks. But - whats next to look for? I am thinking it might be Litany of the Dead, the Mino helm or the Silver Flame Amulet but I am most likely overlooking several items I really should go get. Also, at what level should I be looking for those items?

    My current level 9 so advice for the level 9-15 range would be great.
    Last edited by mikarddo; 12-24-2011 at 08:56 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Ploks's Avatar
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    Just a few items off the top of my head.

    Boots of the innocent- Striding 15%/Resistance +5
    Wrath of Sora Kell set from the eyes of stone chain.
    Greater False life item
    Elfcrafted Robe from Gianthold- Arcane Lore

    That is about all I can think of at the moment.

  3. #3
    2015 DDO Players Council Ironforge_Clan's Avatar
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    If you are on Thelanis and are in need of any gear drop me a PM with what you are looking for...I'll help you out.

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  4. #4
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    Well to start from chrono their is infested armor. +19 spell resistance is nice with those **** shamans whipping cc at you all the time.

    After that at lv 5 take the chrono set. The cloak helm, boots. They'll give you an extra +1 str (stacks) as well as an extra lv for evo spells. And with all 5 peices you get an extra +1 to con.

    As you level you'll slowly replace the gear with other things. You'll want to aim for +6 con str wis cha items. The sora kell set can help you with that as it gives +5 str wis and cha and a set bonus of +2 to hit and atk.

    You'll also want the highest power/magi item you can find. If you were lucky enough to have made some hats when CC was out, those are fantastic. You can get wizardry VI at 11 (150 sp) If not then look for the best you can find at your level on the ah. They go up to power X, then magi, (both 100) then wizardry, with the last being archmagi giving you 200 sp. (can find these sometimes to fit at lv 15. though they can be a bit pricy around 300k plat)

    Don't worry about it being your main thing to where. You just want to where it for buffs. Equip it, enter a dungeon, hella buff everyone then switch to something that fits the slot better. Redo it at all shrines.

    Of course you'll also want a greater false life item (usually on a belt and available at 13 unless you luck out and find the one that gives you it at 11 on ah, (found mine in a vale quest)

    After that is scrolls and weapons. Now i'm not sure what you'll be aiming for melee or spell caster. Spell caster tends to win out if you can suck up how much cleric sucks until around lv 9. Then it gets better. But one thing you will need are scrolls.

    Scrolls of heal as well as others. These are gonna save your SP on sponge melee that suck it up being hit all the time. Raise scrolls will certainly help as well. Scrolls of spell resistance, poison, hero's feast. These all are common casts and save your mana.

    Next are weapons, (specifically clickies) find yourself at least 3 superior ardor clickies. (These give you 3 charges of 3 minute buffs. These buffs give you an extra +75% heal amp to your heal spells. They'll make a cure moderate unmaxed be awesome early on. and more important..... thats right, cheap on sp.

    And major lore. This is gonna make your heals and spells crit more often 9% and .25 I believe. Get yourself an item with major benevolence I think? Can't remember but it's for heal spells. And a major lore for whatever element you cast (fire comes to mind again)

    Then if you go the caster route you'll want the same for your dmg spells. Superior inferno for flamestrike and that comet fall thing. They'll really jack up the dmg. I'm not sure if theirs one for blade barrier or not. I'm almost inclined to say the bludgeoning one but im not certain.

    If you do tend to go melee, doesn't matter, you can still just hotbar the clickies and your main weapons and swap em out to keep the buffs going.

    Do that and lvings gonna be a whole lot easier I can assure you. Sad thing is most mages I see don't even know that let alone healers. But now ya do. So go forth, know it better man!!
    Last edited by goodspeed; 12-24-2011 at 08:58 AM.
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  5. #5
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    If you don't have heavy fortification do relic of sovereign past with optional and grab a nightforge gorgelet. It is a ML 9 heavy fort item which is nice because random loot heavy fort is either higher ML or crafted and very expensive. Also this isn't a random drop so you won't have to pray to the loot gods for it.

    Minos legens you mentioned. It is ML 11 but you should start working on it now. Another one that is an easy grind. Items like boots of the innocent don't drop frequently enough to warrant a grind IMO.

    The sora kell set is ok especially if you like to do melee damage. It may be tough to gather all the pieces on a first life though as you'll be over the quest level pretty quickly. The gloves can be hard to find. Also since they are +5 stat items you may end up with an odd number and have to break up the set at lvl 13 anyway (or upgrade the set which is another grind).
    Cannith - Noehealz, Protectorjon, Noebuffs, Mortion

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Green blade - greater lore
    amrath ador viii belts

    sora kell just upgrade wis helmet with astral diamonds if u want to avoid grind.

    i would also like to mentioned concentrated mana pots from ddo store and/or ask for mana pot donations along the way.
    Last edited by Firesmall_at; 12-24-2011 at 05:23 PM.
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  7. #7
    Community Member darkniteyogi's Avatar
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    -The Planar Gird in the Xoriat quest in House J (Greater heroism clickie)

    -It might be too late.. but Crafted Invulnerability armor of Life shield or something else.. (they say that when a mob has a +1 to their weapon, the DR is penetrated already, so by these levels they already are obsolete.. Though vermin and non weapon wielding mobs still can't bypass the DR)

  8. #8
    Founder Mellifera's Avatar
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    The Deneith Heavy Chain from the Sentinels pack is really nice. You might be slightly over level for the pack but the nice thing about Sentinels is you only have to run Tide Turns 3 times to get the full end rewards list.

    The Red Fens has some nice items. The Sacred set gives you Improved Devotion IV, Wis +4, more turns, and deathblock. Sirens Charm is CON +4. Boots of the Mire have Balance +7 and Underwater Action.

    The Sora Katra set is really nice: Wis, Cha, and Str +6, True Seeing, Greater Potency VI AND +2 to hit and damage. It's very grindy to get all the items and the marks though. If you can't be bothered the Scepter of the Ogre Magi gives Potency V and Concentration +10 and drops out of those Lordsmarch Plaza quests. Depending on how your character tackles melee, you'll want either the Brutish Cuirass or the Gorgon Armor.

    Edit: Forgot about the Staff of Fleshshaping from Sinister Storage. Big boost to your heals and negative spells.
    Last edited by Mellifera; 12-24-2011 at 06:29 PM.

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  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Thanks for the replies. Lots of info for me to consider.

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