Since we get to see damage numbers for our summons now...
I was wondering if someone has checked yet which summons can help with making Xyzzy vulnerable.
Since we get to see damage numbers for our summons now...
I was wondering if someone has checked yet which summons can help with making Xyzzy vulnerable.
Probably not, because any sort of summons in there is a horrible idea.
I don't run it often anymore, but if I see a guild one forming, I'll try to check.
I know we use/have used Bezekiras in the past, because they were believed to be doing damage to Xyzzy.
Does Epic Wolf Whistle work? It makes a Thrakk Hound, after all.
Okay. We went into a HoX NORMAL today, strictly for the purposes of testing.
We found that:
Kythri Hound
Summon Monster VIII Bezekira
Epic Thaarak Hound from Epic Wolf Whistle
All did 0 Damage to Xyzzy. This was with Mass Bulls/Haste/+7 Damage from Inspire Courage.
So... yeah. Even though I'm fairly sure at one point in the past they mattered, if they can't damage her on Normal, I doubt they do on any other difficulty setting.