Is there a way to multiclass a rogue to be able to heal without sacrificing too much of the rogue's sneak attack/trap abilities?
Is there a way to multiclass a rogue to be able to heal without sacrificing too much of the rogue's sneak attack/trap abilities?
Then I think the answer is no - you need 11 levels of cleric for the Heal spell, and while you could certainly heal yourself, heal raid parties, disable traps, and unlock doors/chests, you will take a tremendous hit in the amount of back-stabbery goodness that comes with being a rogue.
Not that there are many raid groups that would trust such a build, but it can be done.
Edit: You could be a pure 20 halfling rogue, but the amount of feats you would expend to avoid using scrolls would be less than ideal. IMHO.
you may want to consider human or helf with a monk splash in the mix and get some healing amp. i know some monks that i hit with heal and get crits in the 6000 to 9000 range
Without UMD and scrolls makes it rather difficult; I'd use the scrolls. As far as the trap skills 2 rogue levels and 18 wizard levels will still give you traps skills. Splashing will have little to no impact on that.
If you really want to do it though you also have the option of going halfling and blowing feats on healing marks, probably with a 2 fighter splash to get a couple more feats. I would rather use UMD and scrolls.
Heal scrolls are relatively cheap once you get to level 20 or so and it isn't too difficult to get no fail heal scrolls without gear swaps on a rogue which provide a super easy source of healing.
Until then healing amp from human or half-elf is a really easy way to make potions and wands hit hard enough to be fine for leveling.
If you're looking for a super self sufficient build then I'd suggest something like human or half-elf 13 rogue / 7 monk acrobat II with maximum healing amp but be warned that the DPS is lacking at end game.
In general, no. Traps skills are no problem. Its just as skill. Everyone and hes pet pikachu can do that. Sneak attack is another story. Its scales with Rogue levels.
Halfling Dragonmarks, splash Monk and/or Fighter levels for extra feats. Techicaly you would have cure/heal spell. But your sneak attack would be weaker.
Past Life:Cleric (active feat). Must be Cleric in prev life. Its nice tho not big.
So its sneak attack or heal. One or the other. Can have some, but not high.
It isn't exactly ideal... In fact it's a really bad idea if you ask me, but you could get the halfling dragonmarks. I'd advice you too suck it up and get the scrolls... Cleric past life, active feat, works too I guess.
would love it if they made the Cleric active past life better. 5x Cure light wounds seems not worth it for a feat slot. 5x Heal or 15x Cure light wounds.. 10x Cure Serious wounds, something like that i would get.. and would love on a rogue, to supplement Scrolls.
cure light wounds with maximize/empower & 40% healing enhancement feats is only about 50-65. On a fleshie sorc without 40% healing enhancement maybe 35-50? Not much better than a Cure serious Pot..
Thanks for the replies
Going a totally different approach, one could roll with a Halfling and the corresponding Dragonmarks. (Edit: I see that this option was mentioned by ArcaneMelee already.)
With the corresponding enhancements (10 AP in total), one gets 7 uses of CLW, 6 uses of CSW and 5 uses of Heal. Now there's the problem with the feats and the APs, and one option to address that is to go 13 rogue/6 something/1 something else.
One option i can think of is 6 ranger/1 monk, for an effective bonus of 3 feats (TWF, ITWF, Monk bonus).
The other option would be 6 Fighter/1 Bard, for 4 extra feats. Both choices would unlock Metamagics to enhance the Dragonmark Abilities (Maximise or Empower Heal, though only the latter works for the Greater DM clickie), and unlocks no-Umd healing wands, which synergizes nicely with a rogue's W&S mastery.
And then, on a totally different boat, there are self-sufficient rangers who sacrifice almost all of their SA damage, but still get to have the nice trap skills, and are reliable to heal themselves, for instance 15ranger/4 fgt/1 rogue or 18 ranger/1 rogue/1 monk builds.
This right here. I've got a Helf Ranger/Fighter/Rogue with Cleric Dilettante, and he's got really good healing ability with wands/scrolls with very few ranks in UMD (skills mainly in Search, DD, OL). Once he gets Tier III, he'll be able to use Heal scrolls with 95% chance of success (he's already got 75% chance on Raise Dead scrolls, which comes in handy when you need to raise the Cleric)
Rangers and bards have good spell healing capability (rangers take a bit more work, and get it at later levels) and enough base skill points to keep your search and trap skill high enough to be effective. Paladins can make decent healers, but don't really get enough points to spend on skills.
I have to take a moment to sing the praises of UMD, though... not just for healing, but for self-buffing purposes... simple shield and blur wands make you need a lot less healing, are easily available, and don't take much UMD to use (for the regular level, they come in higher levels, too.)
One level of the rogue's wand and scroll mastery enhancement gives you a decent bonus to using cure wands, too.
If you're looking to heal a party, though, you will have to gimp yourself a bit on healing skills in order to get traps. Intelligence, the stat that determines your Search and Disable, as well as the amount of skill points you get, is not a synergistic stat with a cleric or favored soul class.
Last edited by CheeseMilk; 12-23-2011 at 12:58 PM.