I am looking for a new guild. I have played since a month after launch. I have eight level 20 characters on Thelanis. I am in the Central Time Zone, and, am usually on between 7:30 and 10:30 PM.

I am looking for a guild that is interested in high level content, raids, challenges etc. I have the following characters:

Giliara - Artificer 20
Gilidarian - Wizard 20
Gilnefarious - Sorcerer 20
Qronan - Barbarian 20
Nimrodelle - Ranger 20
Gilidanius - Monk 20
Qelen - Rogue 20
Gilimarius - Cleric 20

I am a team player and I do enjoy having a good time while crushing skulls. Send me a tell in-game or a private message.