You have people who can get fully geared in epics without ever stepping into an epic quest. As far as I'm concerned, that's still getting something without putting in time and effort - hence "something for nothing", though in a less literal sense than the prevous cheat.
Herecy... There's 100s of half-baked Korean/Chinese MMOs with such a setup, there's absolutely NO need for DDO to follow suit.I would like to see more unbound stuff in game and lower drop rate...
A drop of sanity in the sea of madness which is this thread.Seems easily solved by letting people buy seal/shards with raid tokens or trading in other shards/seals for the one they want. Or better yet a combination of both. By requiring 20 raid tokens you make it like a 20th named item end reward loot list without a lot of coding. By requiring a shard/seal for trade you ensure they ran that particular raid enough to at least get a shard/seal. That way you couldnt just farm the easy dq1 chest for a seal to trade for a harder to get chrono seal.