Originally Posted by
The game IS dying, slowly but surely. The combination of lackluster, buggy updates and a whole array of new games coming out makes the future of this game questionable. The game itself will go on for until it becomes unprofitable, but that doesn't mean it would still be worth playing to anyone except the diehard veterans who have been here since the beginning. The community is everything in this game and it is slowly evaporating as people move on. Would you still want to play if there were only 100 active people per server? I wouldn't.
Making these items unbound would reduce a great amount of the grinding in this game, making it more enjoyable for all and more importantly, making it much easier for new players to close the power gap between themselves and veterans, which is probably the biggest issue plaguing the game right now. More happy players = more retention, and more happy new players = they tell their friends = more new players = more vibrant community = better game for all. And there would still be a substantial grind because there is still a wealth of BtC raid loot that you have to get in order truly twink your toon. Torc, Litany, Tod Rings, base items for many of the epics, etc.