Thanks for those that will take the time to read and help me (and maybe others).
What I want : I really want to TR into a THF build that can dish out sheer amounts of DPS. (Not considering TWF builds or rogue).
What I have : My toon has an esos, and many other epic goodies... (What I don't have I can get if needed).
This would be my 6th life, got 3 fvs, 1 wizard & 1 paladin.
What I'm trying to figure out: I'm trying to decide it I should go 18 Barb / 2 Fighter, 20 Barbarian or 20 Fighter. (I'm willing to consider other builds but from what I see those are the kings of THF DPS vs high fort mobs).
So here's my question : For end game content (epics & raids), which one will have the highest DPS?
From what I know, the fighter will have the highest burst DPS, while the barb will have more HP, better crits by x2 (compared to fighter) and more DPS on the long term (sustained). Correct me if I'm wrong.