Any chance we could get a test lottery, something like 1 garunteed copper.. Im 99% convinced my lottery doesnt work, day after day my friends win stuff yet Ive had nothing in ages. (MyDDO updates perfectly fine, so thats not it).
Any chance we could get a test lottery, something like 1 garunteed copper.. Im 99% convinced my lottery doesnt work, day after day my friends win stuff yet Ive had nothing in ages. (MyDDO updates perfectly fine, so thats not it).
We do sometimes run "test" lotteries, usually involving Tasty Ham, when there's something we want to check out. There is an issue right now where Artificers cannot enter lotteries. Keep in mind that if your characters are not updating properly on my.ddo, they will be able to enter and win lotteries, but cannot receive the winnings.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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I took a look at this today, and believe the real issue is that artificers cannot enter NEW lotteries. This should be fixed "soon"