Scroll of Brawns Spirit's.
Scroll of Brimstone Verge.
Scroll of Elyd Edge, x2.
Scroll of Shimmering Pendant.
Scroll of Frozen Plate.
Scroll of Kundarak Delving Goggles.
Scroll of Necklace of Azure Prophecy.
Scroll of Antique Greataxe.
Scroll of Kundarak Warding Bracers.
Scroll of Souleater.
Scroll of Full Plate of the Ringleader.
Scroll of Utility Vest.
Scroll of Big Top.
Scroll of Phiarlan Spy Dagger.
Scroll of Ironweave Robe.
Scroll of Dragons Eye.
Scroll of Midnight Greetings.
Scroll of Stonemeld Plate.
Scroll of Garos Malice, x2.

I'm not big on epics, so I've not catigorised or listed them alphabetically for you.. :P

I'm after scales or plat, not trading for other scrolls cos then I'll just have to sell them too. Lemme know if your interested.