Quote Originally Posted by Aldured View Post
Hi everyone!

First off as far as DDO I'm a complete noob (well 1 year playing, 6 months of which have been hectic but this game is pretty much like a BS on its own). Still I know a fresh pair of eyes can always be helpful...

I think there are at least 3 ways of balancing this out:

a) +3 Wis, +3 Char, -2 Dex => 28 pt build - This might make things a little hard, as far as stat allocation (when are extra points worth an extra amount) but would favor tome enhanced builds which could mean $$ for turbine

b) +4 Wis or Char, +2 other one, -2 Dex => 28 pt build - This way you basically make it a class dependant race which would be rather sad

c) +2 Wis, +2 Char, -4 Dex => 32 pt build - IFF the AC system is fixed you could get around the abysmal reflex saves by other means and then its no big deal (but you wont be rolling rogues, rangers (at least non tempest ones) or any other Dex intense classes.

In any case, I think this race would make excelent clerics, favored souls, Palys, and maybe TH fighters or sorcs; not to mention cool looking chars

AC rebalancing

Truth be told the moment I read that most melee toons simply join the pijama party I felt discouraged to say the least. I know most classes have low AC but it just didnt make sense to me that a high AC meant being basically untouchable while mid and low meant the same thing, squat. So wether or not sirgogs proposal is balanced wether or not its fair even if sluggish ultratoirtoses complain Id pretty much like to see AC be balanced into the gameplay. In fact to me defense should be something like well Ive got acceptable reflex saves, spell defense, DR and AC or well Im facing such beasts I need to keep my AC up for this quest. Oh wait now were facing these others, oh better regear and beef up my saves or DR (just like weapon sets). And while jammies make this much easier, they have no AC which should be a very very bad thing most of the time (some of the time is ok, its all about choices and making sure nothing is always better)

In other words I dont like it when Im told AC (if you cant get it high enough) in the long term is as useful as heal or swim. I really wouldn't know epic quest dinamics (noob) but sirgogs proposal sure sounds better. In the end Id like to end up with a situation like this:

Ive got a high AC, many blows wont land. Ive got a low AC most blows will, but its still better than none at all.

And at least from my eyes its the best possible way to accomplish it (take all existing factors into play and balance them). Once again I felt really bad about this pijama warriors situation (I like to read up on the class Im getting into) and frankly have been favoring my other chars because of this, its just disappointing.

So my wish list is hoping that all melee toons (including barbs) can make use of whatever AC they can get (using greensteel and such) even if its not an enormous number and having a benefit more or less proportional to the amount. That way turtling could be done in moderation looking for a decent tradeoff between not only offense vs defense but between DR, AC, saves, etcetera, by switching gear and changing stances. Pure toirtoise builds would suffer a little (maybe after some point it would be wiser to simply pay attention to other factors, after all it should be great playing that makes great tanking not astronomical AC) but that sounds much better than most players having to look foward to a pijama party (heck Id like to see swim, heal and repair mean something other than wasted points but one thing at a time).

To me simply saying no seems rather limited I just rather see how to do something or at the very least why something should/shouldn't be there.

Well thats my 2 cents, hope some of it helps.
This concept of Aasimar most of you is so interested is from Neverwinter Nights 2, and i dont think it can find place in ddo, plus all this whis about Aasimar is just personal wish for powerbuild some might have. Why new races when old ones are still not done, or if you wish wide choice of some RPG make some less good race, since elfs, half elfs, halflings, are in general good aligned, humans, dwarfs, and in some way half orc are neutral, only Drow is kinda evil, why not Tieflings or some half demon, consider this trying to be RPG game.
and your +4 and +2 in starting stats my seem to be weak, but if you consider TR, packs, sets, and rare things you can make it very powerfull

also classes, we gonna get druid now, which could have been Worlock, less scripting, also powerfull caster, but also, finish old ones first, some classes only have one good option you can take and thats it