Just wanted to look at advice on this build:

20 Human Favoured Soul, 34 Point Build (useless Cleric pastlife)

10 STR
10 DEX
14 CON
10 INT
18 WIS
14 CHR

Skills - UMD, Conc, Jump, Balance, 1 Tumble

Feats - Toughness, Shield Mastery, Empower, Maximize, SF: Evocation, Spell Penetration, Quicken, Heighten (not necessarily in that order). Sovereign Host Class Feat.

Enhancements - Angel of Vengeance II prestige and a combination of healing, damage, and defense (but not melee or boosts)

Spells - Enough healing spells to keep people up (I'm thinking level 2,3 and 6 single target heals and level 5, 8 and 9 aoe heals). Only the essential buffs. The rest in damage and CC moves.

The idea is a caster whos stays near the front lines to take advantage of Aura of Menace for essentially +2 DCs and Spell Pen. Shield Mastery + DR/10 endgame (DR/3-5 while leveling) should mitigate a decent chunk of incoming damage, and I shouldn't be too vulnerable to magic with innate high saves from fvs, extra resists from fvs, and good fort and will saves from stats. Reflex I will probably focus on boosting as high as possible to hopefully mitigate more damage.

Healing shouldn't be a problem. Being close to the melees I can easily aoe all of us, and single target people in the back. Spellpoints shouldn't be a problem either in most cases.

I will have conc opp going, another reason I want to be in melee.

For damage the early levels suck, and thats fine. I'll probably melee some, use a hireling/pets, and group a lot.

Level 4 spells help a lot, then obviously after that its smooth sailing. Blade Barrier seals the deal.

Anyways, gimme some knowledge!