Epic ADQ2 - A way to recover from TK (prior to completion)
One thing that really annoys me about EADQ2 is the telekinesis. When you fall off you are basically stuck at the bottom piking until the group wipes or completes. With the changes to make this raid harder is the TK really needed? It seems to be random who goes and in the case of you tank getting tk'd it can sometimes lead to a random wipe.
I am not asking for some easy button as I am sure all the hard core people will come here and complain. I am asking for a way to get back up/ save the person. Say a person gets TK'd off. Allow the party to jump down, kill some mobs to open the portal, regroup and go again. I mean I guess the raid entrance is short enough to just reform but it's not fun. It's not fun to be TK'd off the edge.