Paladins lose sustained damage in return for burst damage, survivability, and limited support ability.
I think smite should:
-Act as an automatic critical in addition to the damage bonus, using a multiplier dependant on smite rank and
independant of weapon multiplier.
This is because.. non-crit smites are worthless, really. Smite should be a
reliable source of burst damage to be useful.
I would rather get more smites (ie regenerating smites). Maybe improve the threat range bonus on Exalted Smite? I don't feel smites should be auto-crits. I'd also prefer smite gain a duration to this, a la the Pathfinder paladin.
I think divine sacrifice should:
- Reduce its cooldown at higher ranks, for higher sustained damage at a hightened cost.
I feel like the only real problem with Divine Sacrifice is that it requires so many ranks of the very expensive and lackluster Extra Smite line. As it stands, DS III amounts to something like an extra 5 damage per swing, which is pretty **** good, and that's before figuring in the crit bonuses.
I think divine might should:
- Scale with THF, either 1.5x or 2x multiplier
- Have a more reasonable casting duration.
I think auras should:
Be useful. The save aura is nice, but the others are pointless. Swap the concentration aura to a 4/8/12% healing amplification bonus aura. Swap the courage aura to a +1/2/3 bonus damage versus evil aura. Paladins are supposed to have some limited support abilities, and this is a good way to boost them.
These sound pretty good. Healing amp aura sounds like an excellent change. Extra damage vs. evil sounds good. We already are giving +4 on saves vs. fear as a base ability, and fear immunity becomes prevalent rather swiftly.
Maybe an aura that grants 5% damage mitigation, like Shield Mastery does.
I think the capstone should:
- Be ammended. The combination of cannith +5HBSoGEOB, artificer silver weapons, and boss fortification boosts making eSoS not often the best choice, means the capstone is much, much less useful than it should be.
- Impose a fortification debuff. Paladins can't take improved sunder, let alone land it, and debuffing fort is a big part of dealing more damage for the entire group. A decent fort debuff, similar to the previous implications of their capstone, means paladins excel at fighting bosses, while this also has good synergy with the autocrit smites.
This is thematically appropriate: a capped paladin is a divine paragon, and the intensity of their righteous assault leaves wrongdoers more vulnerable, as a counterpart to the favored soul retrebutive fortification debuff.
While the stock of the capstone has been degraded somewhat, it still is very good. Remember, it allows you to use a wide variety of weapons in places where they would otherwise be sub-par regardless of group composition, and it deals +1d6 damage vs. evil enemies, and another +2d6 vs. many of the major bosses in the game. And the damage gets buffed by the favored soul boost to incoming aligned and light-based damage on enemies.
A fortification debuff would be nice, but I don't think it needs to get wrapped up into the capstone, and similarly, I would not want to see the existing capstone revised as such. Maybe offer a second capstone option? A better idea might be to introduce a new line of smite abilities that make up for paladins' low tactics abilities. Add the ability to reduce fort with a smite?
I think KoTC should:
- Deal reduced damage to evil enemies, and further reduced to non-good.
E.g.: KoTC III: 4d6 versus evil outsiders, 2d6 versus evil enemies, 1d6 versus all non-good targets.
I think it should deal the reduced damage to evil non-outsiders, but don't think the PrE should be dealing extra damage to non-evil enemies. Honestly, I'm okay with paladins "suffering" a little bit there. I put that quotes because they are still getting up to +11 damage a swing, 10% doublestrike and +9d6 light damage every 3 seconds vs. these enemies that are relatively few and far between.
For a damage prestige, the fact that it grants flat out nothing in most epics or the cannith pack does not play in its favor.
I think HoTD should:
- Be the 'healing' prestige.
- 10% stacking devotion per rank
I don't think HotD needs to be forced into the self-cast healing roll, and definitely does not need to be encouraged as a support healer. 30% healing amp already does a lot for them.
- Let you expend a turn to cast a cha-scaled divine healing variant with cooldown equal to duration (one target at once), at rank 2.
Maybe. Still doubt anyone would take this.
- Let you expend a remove disease and a lay on hands to use lay on hands in an area around you, with a cooldown, at rank 3.
I like that a lot better than the above suggestion, but simply have it cost 1 LoH. Just change LoH from single target to a burst as a second option for LoH.
Thematically appropriate, given that positive energy opposes undead, and for a class that controls minor healing abilities, a prestige that focuses in that area would be suitable.
Give them recharging LoH if this is the way you want to go.
Their abilities could really stand to get upgraded in other ways, though. Honestly, I think it is problematic that paladins have 3 rather specialized PrEs, although DoS has become far more generally useful than it had been.
KotC could gain chain smites, that "explode" from their primary target.
HotD could gain...I don't know what. Oh! Give them Fortification reduction, but without specifying undead. Then they become a good debuffer on bosses, while KotC does the most individual damage and DoS is controlling things and generally just not dying.
I think DoS:
- Is fine, it's the enemy to-hits that are the issue.
Actually, DoS could use a small boost. I think granting Shield Mastery for free at rank 2 is the way to go, but maybe Improved Shield Bash instead.
I think extra feats should:
- Not happen.
Being feat-limited is a core part of the class, and part of all divine classes. If you want extra feats, take the tradeoff and splash for them.
I disagree. Everyone needs some more feats. The game is more interesting if everyone has more feats, but there are also more worthwhile options to choose from. Pathfinder takes this approach by giving everyone feats at odd levels instead of just at multiples of 3, and introduced more interesting feat chains. Fighters should not definitely have more HP than paladins simply by virtue of their having 2-7 open feats for extra Toughnesses.
I don't think that:
- All of these should happen at once.
These are only ideas with regards to oppotunities to improve on the many different aspects of the paladin class - all of which save one, survivability, is fairly lacking.
Not that I would complain, of course..