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  1. #1
    Founder hawkytom's Avatar
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    Question A Year+ later...Can I salvage my Sorc???

    Hello my Human Sorc is lvl 19 and about 30k exp from max level with about 2500 favor.

    I basically only played solo/duo (99.99999% of the time) and built my character with that in mind. I also don't want to be warforged.

    Starting stats were(32pt):

    16con [+2tome used]
    18cha (lvl ups go here) [+2tome used]

    Skills: Concentration + UMD + Balance & 1pt in tumble

    I think I can fix my spellbook with the 2 blood of the dragon I have in my inventory...but I would love some advice on spell picks for the new DDO!

    General advice on enhancements couldn't hurt either and I should be able to fix those with some platinum. (I'm leaning towards Earth Savant with minor in Cold, but open to all options/suggestions/observations/etc...)

    FEATS is where I think I'm screwed!!!! I have no interest in spending massive amounts of turbine points to fix my character, because I probably already need about 3000-4000 if I want to get the new challenges/adv packs!! (so hopefully this can be avoided for the most part!)

    Force of Personality
    Spell Focus: Evocation
    Greater Spell Focus: Evocation

    I think I read about Force of Personality being basically worthless, and Extend doesn't affect spells like Wall of Fire, Cloudkill and AcidFog anymore so is it really worth keeping for just extending Haste/Displacement/Rage....Also Spell Focus&GSF Evocation I'm concerned about, are these still worth using at all, or should I just pick a different Focus &/or a Spell Penetration feat??

    So I'm thinking I might have to replace anywhere from 1-4 feats....YIKES, I already did my 1 free feat swap with that quest as well! ADVICE PLEASE

  2. #2
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Nope. Not a chance!

  3. #3
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    SF/GSF: evocation are great. not quite so great for an earth savant, you may wish to instead consider water or air savant (my thoughts: water savant with acid secondary). in any event, you pretty much need either evocation or conjuration focus, and since you've already got evocation, well... why bother changing?

    this leaves force of personality and extend, neither of which are particularly terrible or crippling feats to have. being human, you essentially have the same basic feat list as a WF sorcerer is likely to have, but with quicken swapped out.

    my thoughts: you hopefully have one free feat swap left (edit: looking closer, you don't. not a big deal, really, just move to the next paragraph). i would replace extend with either spell pen or SF: conjuration (good for web, which provides some CC. also a slightly better save DC on some of your acid spells if you choose acid damage). if you later get a flawless siberys shard (which can be obtained from favor rewards for agents of argonessen, should you be willing to level another character to about level 15 or so to earn one), you could spend that on either GSF conjuration or greater spell pen, depending on where you go with your spells (just look at how many spells you have use CC and how often you're likely to use them when making this decision).

    assuming you have no free feat swaps and no way of getting flawless siberys shards, i would say that there is no reason you would be crippled by simply leaving your feats as-is. your feats are no longer optimal, but neither are they so horribly gimp as to render your character useless.

    also, as a side note, the number of TP you need to be able to run challenges is approximately zero. of course, that still leaves other adventure packs and such, but nevertheless, provided you are willing to be patient, you can run every variation of every challenge without spending a single penny on the game. you get 5 free runs of a random challenge every day from an NPC located in house cannith.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    First thing you should look at for updating your Sorcerer is picking which of Ice, Lighting, and Acid energy you prefer and training APs to become a Savant of that type. Then adjust your spell list to have a good assortment from that matching element so you can do good damage:
    Polar Ray + Biting Cold + Ice Storm + Otiluke + Cone + 3 free + ...
    Acid Arrow + Acid Rain + Black Dragon + Acid Fog + 3 free + ...
    Electric Surge + Ball Lightning + Chain Lightning + 3 free + ...

    In addition to that primary element, you'll want a few spells of a secondary element (or force) to use on enemies with an immunity. Put some APs into that second element too. (Fire is not recommended as a primary, since so many high-level devils are immune)

    Earth is probably not as good for killing top-level bosses, since it boosts neither NBC nor EES, but it's fine.

    Quote Originally Posted by hawkytom View Post
    FEATS is where I think I'm screwed!!!! I have no interest in spending massive amounts of turbine points to fix my character, because I probably already need about 3000-4000
    Yeah, it is probably too expensive to go about paying for multiple feat swaps on characters of level 16+ (lower level chars can get them fairly affordably with siberys ingredients).

    But your feats aren't real bad. Tough, Max, Emp, and Height are all commonly used. Extend and FOP generally aren't, although Extend is convenient for Hasting / Displacing people and Humans can keep FOP to resist dance ball and such.

    Sorcs often have some Spell Focus, although Enchant and Necro may be good. It's also popular to get a Spell Penetration feat. However, your existing list of feats isn't terrible; you can stick with them for now, and maybe change them later as part of a Lesser or True Recinarnation (which could be cheaper than respecing feats one at a time).

    Quote Originally Posted by hawkytom View Post
    if I want to get the new challenges/adv packs!! (so hopefully this can be avoided for the most part!)
    Yes, better to buy access to adventure packs (not challenge! it's free daily) and just make new characters without the mistakes from before.

  5. #5
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Your build is totally fine. Earth Savant is not a good choice for you as most of the spells are conjuration spells. Instead go Water Savant or Air Savant; probably water savant is optimal.

    Take a minor in lightning for eledar's electric surge and you're done (minor: 7/1/1 for enhancements).

    Make sure you save your second dragon blood as you only need 1 to swap all your spells. If you want to run Abbot raid then I'd suggest to take Black Dragon Bolt and put 1 (or more) points into acid.

    You're character is totally fine. I was in a similar situation as you and I've managed ok even though my old character was a lot worse to start off with (still 14 base con).

  6. #6
    Founder hawkytom's Avatar
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    thank you all for your advice! I'm leaning towards Water w/ Air secondary, and eventually replacing my Extend/FoP feats when I get the shards from other characters or something

    Now I just need to find some good spell selection posts and I'll be all set!

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Only feat that is really sub-optimal is FoP and while Extend isn't bad it may not be that useful compared to others. Personally I'd replace these with SP and GSP to help boost my insta-kill capabilities.

    As for spells first decide what savant you want - for human air/cold is nice. Then have a look here to give you an idea of what (and why) spells are commonly chosen:
    Last edited by Jsbeer; 12-15-2011 at 07:25 PM.

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