1. Will eating more than one type of cookie give additional special effects?
I liked the use of Abashai Cookies working together.
2. Can we hope for more combining effects in future recipes?
1. Will eating more than one type of cookie give additional special effects?
I liked the use of Abashai Cookies working together.
2. Can we hope for more combining effects in future recipes?
1. Can we keep the old cookie effects if we don't like the new ones? Some old effects seem more useful at times.
2. Can we choose to get new cookie effects if we put the stack of cookies in stone of change with a copper festivult token? Changing to the current year effect is also useful.
Jester, is there anything you can pull out of one of your special bags to help with the patches?
I would be really curious to know who bakes all the cookies and cakes?
Dear Jester,
Is that a cookie cutter in the shape of a Demon Lord falling out of your pocket?
Thorgred, Cavitycreep, Creeploaf, Creepingdoom of Thelanis. Member of C-L-A-W
Happy Festivult!
Thank you, everyone, for the great questions!
Oh yes, I know who's been naughty and nice...and lawful and neutral and chaotic and...
Dear Jester -
I have two questions,
(1) And I hope this doesn't cause any offense but is it true you are really a gnome wearing platform shoes with a fondness for Enlarge spells and that other gnomes would be a playable race if you didn't have them locked away and hard at work all year in the cookie baking factory?
(2) Which cookie, if eaten to excess, will make my butt look too big and what would be the best armor kit to conceal my gluttonous addiction to this treat?
Keep up the good work!
Happy Festivus
The time has come to answer your letters!
Oh yes, I know who's been naughty and nice...and lawful and neutral and chaotic and...
Awesome answers... Maybe next year, if we're particularly good boys and girls, we'll get an adventure, er, uhm... I mean, an opportunity to explore your Everice Workshop....
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