Please remove gather party quest advance and completion mechanics.
To start off, the requirement to gather party in Water Works Part 2 was removed because people who go afk can prevent the quest advancement or completion and then after all in party give up and reform the piking akf person can simply go to end of quest to get completion. This quest mechanic was a burden to the group who did the quest. The party would have liked to kick the afk person who did not gather at end of quest, but could not.
Now we see the same quest mechanic in Acute Delerium. After my third run of not being able to advance the quest due to someone being afk, I dropped group knowing that the entire quest was completed, with the exception of gather party on Eberron. So now the person piking and afk will be the only one who can drop down off ship where they will get completion now that the entire rest of the party has left. After dropping group I even looked up the name of the person in the first run who went afk. No surprise, they were still in the sleeping spell in (afk).
The gather party requirements for quest progression and completion have become a form of griefing. I am thinking of not running this quest in pugs due to the fact that having a pugger pike prevents completion of the quest.