I am from the khyber server.
Here i was all charged up and so happy, finally we had a good balanced group of 1 rouge(450 hp) 1 bard(400 hp) 2 caster(both above 400 hp mark) 2 fvs and rest all fighters and 1 barb and plus there was this 1 wf fighter dude who had 1100 hp plus(btw all the melees where 600 hp plus)... every thing was smooth the healers were not over healing nor were they under healing..i thought that finally after 3 straight fails in the same month that i will finally complete von6 epic...But no.then the spawn of velah spawned and the downfall started like the same way the other parties had wiped in pervious parties...then 1 healer died he got rezzed back but finally it ended with a wipe sadly :'( this was the 4th consecutive failed attempt..and every time i have been in a wipe it was at the trash spawning....can some 1 link a guide or can some 1 tell me what do u have to do in oder not to wipe at this point again..ty all suggesions are welcomed![]()