Heres my end gear plan for my WF Earth savant, (moderately close to completing it)
Helm: Epic Helm of Frost (7 cha, GFL in yellow slot)
Neck: EpicTorc (+1 con)
Goggles: GS Conc opp goggles, 45 hp.
Trinket: Epic Spyglass (with slotted -15% ASF) in ToD,
Litany of the Dead, Stalwart Trinket.
Bracers: Epic Scorched Heavy Fort slotted here
Cloak: Epic Envenomed (Con 7, toughness )
Docent: Docent of Defiance, Deathblock of axeblock/spearblock.
Boots: Epic Boots of Corrosion
(15% ASF slotted here for non-Tod situations, + 1 cha colorless)
Rock boots Situational
Gloves: Epic Charged Gaunts. (Fear immunity)
Bramble-casters situational.
Ring 1: Rahkirs w/ 2 exceptional con.
Belt: Rahkirs,Thamors (does the +2 to max CL actually work?
I seem to get the same CL in combat log using my Earth sav set..)
Ring 2: Anathema (25% spell threat),
Thamors (2 cha slotted, 1 con on the ring),
Situational: 15% fire/elec slotted ToD Rings.
Weapon (main-hand usually, offhand if needed):
6str 20% amp, 30% amp, Conc-opp Bstrd Sword.
-Situational 10/15/20% cold resist
-^ Crafted +2 necro DC item
Shield: Lorriks Defender,
-Situational Shield of Reflecting
- Skyvault if my ASF gets disjunkt, or other shields break.
-Perhaps one +4/5, large guild aug 20hp, 33% resist large shield for fire and elec.
If I ever get around to crafting.