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  1. #1
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    Sep 2007

    Default End game gear for wf acid savant

    Yes I know acid is not the optimal choices for sorcs

    Thats ok I like it!

    Looking for ideas on my gear set up on this guy.

    head - minos - ideallly i think i want Epic helm of frost here.

    neck - bard neckless from amarath - perhaps switched out with torc.

    belt - open right now - probalby go for belt of the mronan

    goggles - hp conc opp

    cloak - e envenomed.

    boots - e boots of corrosion

    ring 1- acid savant ring

    ring 2 - ?

    gloves - ?

    Bracers - ?

    armor - epic blademarks

    I know i should go for the greater might of the abashi - but im not convienced that i need all five pieces of it.

    Look good?

    Good goal or am i totally of base here?


  2. #2
    Community Member sweez's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    About to cap my earth sorc, here's what I have planned:

    Head, cloak, bracers, gloves, boots - abishai set (slotted with heavy fort, good luck, whichever exc stats even me out)
    Armor - unlocked Quorforged docent (cheapo SFL and toughess, there's theoretically better choices but nothing I'd bother with)
    Belt/ring1 - savant tod set/archmage tod set swap, +2 exc cha on the ring
    Goggles - concopp gs SP
    Neck - gs HP, maybe enervation guard, hotswap with torc for shieldblocking (not the happiest solution but gear slots are kinda tight)
    Ring2 - main stat probably irrelevant, so something with an useful exc stat and slotted with +2 con, possibly hotswap with a crafted large augment slot ring for extra buffing SP (can also craft persuasion on that ring instead of bothering with the bunny hat)
    Trinket - ideally, litany. But I'm not realistically planning that, till then a crafted shard/trinket of greater conjuration/enchant/whatever focus will do just fine, hotswap eardweller if available for clicky (and also saves you the bother of crafting a greater enchantment focus trinket)

    Weapons: Epic ornamental dagger + skiver (ideally epic greenblade if you're worried about spell pen, but since my sorc is a 1st lifer I'm not really bothered to be honest), swap in death's touch if needed, alongside various +75% clickies till you get all the sorc tod belts.
    Comfortably [d|n]umb

    Weirdly / Annoyed of Khyber
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  3. #3
    Founder & Hero Vordax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobgoblin View Post
    boots - e boots of corrosion

    Rock Boots from the challenges aren't a horrible option either. Superior corrosion 9, superior acid lore and epic corrosion 6, a couple of guards, slippery surface immunity and 2 slots. You do miss out on the abishai bonus though to the evocation spells (and con), but most of the acid spells are conjuration anyways.


    Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. - Ronald Reagan

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Have a look at the challenge loot: the boots, the cloak, the wf ring etc are good and
    easier to get. I already have T3 boots and T2 cloak.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    For earth:

    5 piece abashi ( Conju Dc, More Con)
    Earth savant set
    Choker/Torc/Ember/Cha skill GS + Swap rings
    45HP Co-op Goggle
    Robe/Docent : Personal preference
    Weapon : whatever you get, more the better ~~ alchemical t3,soap,abbot staff , you name it.

    But meh, sorc is OP even with no gear just no Dc for CC/instakill
    I pike on Argonnessen.

  6. #6
    Community Member Polarkin's Avatar
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    My WF Earth Savant's plan is simplier than most. From my evaluation it gives me a very solid gear foundation with the minimal amount of effort... given that I have 11 capped toons across 2 accounts, I generally prefer the 90% of optimal solution and expect my in game play to make up for any gaps.

    Head: Pirate hat! (superior potency6, concentration 15)
    Eyes: 3x Positive GS SP goggles (6cha skills, raise dead clicky)
    Neck: Torc
    Trinket: epic Spyglass(slotted 15%ASF), Eardweller
    Back: Cloak of Flames (slotted hvy fort)
    Belt: Thamor(earth savant)
    Hands: Unsuppressed Titans, Abbot (clicky)
    Boots: Rock Boots (slotted +1exc cha, blindness immunity)
    Chest: Unsuppressed Mindsunder (6con, SFL, Toughness)
    Wrist: ConOp GH 45HP (6wis), crafted w/ large guild slotted 80(160) SP
    R1: Thamor +2 exc cha
    R2: epic Buccaneer (slotted: unknown atm)
    W1: Skiver
    W2: Lorrik (turtle mode), Balarresha(Cold version)

    My sorc is triple element spec'd (Acid, Water, and Fire) and the above gear gives me superior or better focus effects for my dps spells including BDB, Polar Ray, and DBF.

  7. #7
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    My sorc is a WF water savant, and this is what im currently running

    Head- eHelm of Frost (+1excp Cha)
    Neck- eShaman's Beads/still need torc
    Trinket- earbug, bauble, ioun stone (spell sorb)
    Goggles- GS Con Opp (blindness immune/SP/SP)
    Cloak- eEnvenomed Cloak (-15% asf)
    Docent- DT (GFL/some guard/radiance guard) currently GFL/healing amp/enervation guard
    Belt- Telvi's Sash
    Bracers- crafted greater conjuration focus/large guild w/ 180sp
    Gloves- GS Mineral (hp/hp/hp)
    Ring1- Telvi's (+2cha)
    Ring2- Draconic (+2con)
    Boots- swap Firestorm greaves/Cannith Propulsion
    Hand1- crafted (greater Necro focus/greater repair lore) working on adamantium/water alchemical stick
    Hand2- skiver

    You could easily use a thamors set instead of telvis, and craft the rock boots out of the challenges for boots or do eBoots of Corrosion instead

    With rage+cha and con shipbuffs+cha and con yugo pots im sitting at 40cha and 40con 537hp/3000+ sp

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Mar 2011


    Heres my end gear plan for my WF Earth savant, (moderately close to completing it)

    Helm: Epic Helm of Frost (7 cha, GFL in yellow slot)
    Neck: EpicTorc (+1 con)
    Goggles: GS Conc opp goggles, 45 hp.
    Trinket: Epic Spyglass (with slotted -15% ASF) in ToD, 
    Litany of the Dead, Stalwart Trinket.
    Bracers: Epic Scorched Heavy Fort slotted here 
    Cloak: Epic Envenomed (Con 7, toughness )
    Docent: Docent of Defiance, Deathblock of axeblock/spearblock.
    Boots: Epic Boots of Corrosion 
    (15% ASF slotted here for non-Tod situations, + 1 cha colorless)
    Rock boots Situational
    Gloves: Epic Charged Gaunts. (Fear immunity)
    Bramble-casters situational.
    Ring 1: Rahkirs w/ 2 exceptional con.
    Belt: Rahkirs,Thamors (does the +2 to max CL actually work? 
    I seem to get the same CL in combat log using my Earth sav set..)
    Ring 2: Anathema (25% spell threat), 
    Thamors (2 cha slotted, 1 con on the ring), 
    Situational: 15% fire/elec slotted ToD Rings.
    Weapon (main-hand usually, offhand if needed): 
    6str 20% amp, 30% amp, Conc-opp Bstrd Sword.
    -Situational 10/15/20% cold resist
    -^ Crafted +2 necro DC item
    Shield: Lorriks Defender,
    -Situational Shield of Reflecting
    - Skyvault if my ASF gets disjunkt, or other shields break.
    -Perhaps one +4/5, large guild aug 20hp, 33% resist large shield for fire and elec. 
    If I ever get around to crafting.
    Last edited by Darknark; 12-29-2011 at 05:46 PM.
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