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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Exclamation Raid/Epic Training - Something INCREDIBLY AWESOME

    /joinchannel Defense

    (some assembly required, see end of post for instructions)

    Why I’m doing this:
    Old guilds/channels are extremely closed (I know, I run a few) which leaves
    newer/casual players in the dust when it comes to running certain content.

    The goal is this channel is to create a healthy environment for new/casual
    players to learn how to run entry to moderate level raid/epic quests.
    (epic raids, desert epics, etc are beyond the scope of this endeavor)

    Grizzled veterans are welcome, although I realize channel slots are tight.

    Having an open cross-guild environment for mingling, training, recruiting,
    etc should help assist both new/casual players as well as alleviate attrition
    due to old players leaving the game.

    Because this is an open channel, stay PG-13 to avoid being reported (bans are no fun)
    Try to stay somewhat on-topic, there are other channels for drama, etc.
    Sharing channel info is OK and encouraged
    No trading
    Be nice

    Successful Training Runs and Related Threads

    Vision of Destruction
    Hound of Xoriat

    Tower of Despair
    DQ (Zawabi's Revenge)
    Twilight Forge + The Titan Awakes
    Lord of Blades

    This creates a special chat “channel” that you can use to communicate
    cross-guild anywhere on the server.

    Make sure to select “userchat 1” (or 2, 3, 4) as visible in whatever chat
    box you want to see this stuff.

    /Listchannels will show you the number associated with your channels.
    (you can have up to four)

    To talk in channel type “/x “ before your message, where x is the number
    of the channel. (that is what /listchannels is for)

    If you need help setting this up reply to the thread so other people can
    benefit. (and so I don’t have to explain it to a million PMs)
    Last edited by Tobril; 10-11-2012 at 03:06 PM.
    Sarlona: Tobril | Syg | Trogbril | Warmachyne | Sql

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  2. #2
    Community Member
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    I’ll be running a lot of raids and epics once I finish my current TR.

    Both the LFM and various channels (including this one) will be used to fill.

    If you don’t get in be patient, there may only be a few spots for some runs.

    Things like Deeps, Desert, LoB, Elite VOD/Hound/Shroud etc will probably stay
    as-is recruiting-wise, but when people are ready for more challenging content
    they are certainly welcome.
    Sarlona: Tobril | Syg | Trogbril | Warmachyne | Sql

    YouTube | Twitch

  3. #3
    Hero madmaxhunter's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Thank you Tobril, I will use it this weekend. First time running Abbot (never bothered flagging in the last 5 lives).
    Completionist Lighthardtt Tuisian of Sarlona
    leader emeritus, Bridge Burners

    "Just another day in pair-o'-dice"

  4. #4
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    I'll sign up for this now.

    Edit: Is there a way to tell who is on your channel?
    Last edited by Havok.cry; 12-09-2011 at 07:38 PM.
    Matt Walsh:
    But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’

  5. #5
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    There is no way to find out who is on a channel unless they speak.

  6. #6
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Apr 2007


    This is a really good idea. One of the old multi-guild raid alliance channels I'm in has basically died, I'm tempted to set something like this up on Khyber.

  7. #7
    Community Member k1ngp1n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    This is a really good idea. One of the old multi-guild raid alliance channels I'm in has basically died, I'm tempted to set something like this up on Khyber.
    Well there are multi-guild raid channels here (some more exclusive than others), but there is no completely open, 'anyone can join' sort of channel.

    I'll pop in here on a few characters and see how it develops, and mebbe join in a teaching run from time to time.
    Last edited by k1ngp1n; 12-10-2011 at 07:59 AM.
    Sarlona: Riyana | Ilyrae | Elaeria | Arlayh | Aryis | Lyanis | Yaera | Kyilsi | Malitae | Niariel | Laeriya
    'Polluting Sarlona with gimpy elves since 2009.'

  8. #8
    Community Member CheeseMilk's Avatar
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    I'd like to join up as both student and teacher...

    I know pretty much all of the raids, flagging quests, and easier epics fairly well, but I need help learning:

    -Abbot... Never completed (or even flagged! I do have one full sigil, though.)
    -Titan... One completion, but I joined when the pre-raid was already done... I know the flagging quests quite well, though.lete
    -Cannith raids... just never had an opportunity to complete.
    -Spies in the House... tried it once, got really mad at it, and have been avoiding it ever since.

  9. #9
    Community Member paraplegic's Avatar
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    just joined!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by k1ngp1n View Post
    Well there are multi-guild raid channels here (some more exclusive than others), but there is no completely open, 'anyone can join' sort of channel.

    It was never the intention to go up against any established channel, so no offense meant.
    (especially with the new one setup by soulless and friends)

    I think those channels handle things far out of the range of people just getting into epics/raiding.

    Of note, I saw a TON of people on this weekend. Things like abbot flagging, ToD kiting advice, a couple of raid formations, epic hints/tips, etc were all done via this new mechanism.

    Way cool.
    Sarlona: Tobril | Syg | Trogbril | Warmachyne | Sql

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  11. #11


    Fun idea.

    I went ahead and added this one to my channels, seemed a bit quiet so I am hoping it catches on a bit more with folks who are new to the raid/epic scene.

    Tonight I never saw more than 10 people on in channel. Was running guild raids tonight and was filling with pugs. I asked for joiners for 2 normal Shrouds, hard Hound, 2 hard VoDs, Elite Reaver, eChrono, eBoB and eTTT. I know, nothing too crazy or interesting, except perhaps the eChrono, but this channel is supposed to be about new folks learning.

    Over all, there were 15 spots open for my groups. I only filled three of them from people willing to join from this channel. They were an awesome three people, and two of them were truly new to the quests. One got his first Hound completion, and another his first ever epics with BoB and TTT. We all had a few shots of whiskey, a few laughs, and maybe a few new tricks learned. And we maybe got rid of some of the shiney/scary of raids/epics for a couple of new folks.

    I'll continue to ask in this channel before I put up an LFM for my guild runs. Anyone who has a drink ready, or is willing to laugh and learn with those who do have a drink at hand, will be welcome to join. Most of my guild raid nights are on Mondays or Tuesdays and then on Fridays (Fraiday!). We run epics on Saturdays and Sundays. If I have open spots after I fill from guild I will let you folks know in channel, if you would like to join a bunch of blowhard drunkards then you will be welcome. If you want to work out ahead of time to join us for a specific quest, look me up in game, I may be able to help you out. (I also may not, my guildies come first, so I ask them what they need done first then I fill out with other folks. For those wanting to get a hold of me, ask any Lost Legions member if Creeg is on. Or if you know my alts just send me a tell. In game mail may not be noticed, as I have so many damned alts.)

    We drink and joke and laugh too loud. Underage folks and folks who don't care for that environment are advised to not join us. I will always advertise as a drinking group, or to bring booze, or something similar. There are drinking rules in all of our guild run raids and quests, so please feel free to partake with us, or laugh at us while we partake with ourselves. We are not overly serious. We are not as good as some others you may run with. But we have fun, and we mostly win. Mostly.

    On the other side of the coin, I hope I can learn a few tricks from groups I join. I am always down to learn new strategies and ideas. I also hope some of my new player guildies will use this resource to get in on raids in a friendly learning environment when there are no guild groups going on.
    Leader of Lost Legions

  12. #12
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    I'm enjoying this channel as well. Not specifically for getting groups together, but just as a social venue, a place to chat, and also a source of smart people to ask for advice. It's a nice substitute for guild chat for those of us not in (real) guilds.

    Thanks for creating it.

  13. #13
    Community Member Phemt81's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    I wish this was on orien too

    Join an epic lfm is quite a pain over there for newbies. Sorry for the little off-topic.
    How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We absolutely planned for Fighter to still have Haste Boost. It's absolutely a bug. Any similar issues that look "wrong" to any player should be bugged.
    Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!

  14. #14
    Community Member k1ngp1n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobril View Post
    It was never the intention to go up against any established channel, so no offense meant.
    (especially with the new one setup by soulless and friends)
    Oh none taken. I'm well aware of the point of this channel as opposed to other channels. It's why I'm in both! (Well, not all characters)
    Sarlona: Riyana | Ilyrae | Elaeria | Arlayh | Aryis | Lyanis | Yaera | Kyilsi | Malitae | Niariel | Laeriya
    'Polluting Sarlona with gimpy elves since 2009.'

  15. #15
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    Saw a bunch of activity this weekend, yay!

    Just as a heads up, in ~500k xp I’ll be capped again and will stay in raid/epic land for some time.

    Those of you wanting to run ToD should start working on flagging/boots. (hint hint)

    Ditto for abbot flagging, if you don’t know the quests feel free to ask for help and
    use the wiki and/or “interactive ddo game guide”. (google search to find it)

    As ever, feel free to use channel to start your own runs. The idea here is to have
    a tool for whoever, so don’t feel that you have to wait for any particular individual.
    Sarlona: Tobril | Syg | Trogbril | Warmachyne | Sql

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  16. #16
    Community Member Bolo_Grubb's Avatar
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    Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
    BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
    Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier

  17. #17
    Community Member Quetzacoala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobril View Post
    Those of you wanting to run ToD should start working on flagging/boots. (hint hint)

    Ditto for abbot flagging, if you don’t know the quests feel free to ask for help and
    use the wiki and/or “interactive ddo game guide”. (google search to find it)
    Huh... are you saying that you might be organizing a TOD and an Abbot run in the near future? If so, crud... I have to flag for two raids now!
    Quote Originally Posted by DeafeningWhisper View Post
    I agree with the feathered marsupial.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quetzacoala View Post
    Huh... are you saying that you might be organizing a TOD and an Abbot run in the near future? If so, crud... I have to flag for two raids now!

    Less doodling on the forums, more raid flagging please.
    Sarlona: Tobril | Syg | Trogbril | Warmachyne | Sql

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  19. #19
    Community Member djl's Avatar
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    I'd be happy to help out with Tod if I'm not on timer whenever you schedule it. It's one of my favorite raids.

  20. #20
    The Hatchery Aurora1979's Avatar
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    Nice one Tobril.

    Wrong server for me but is a nice thing to see the vets doing.

    High 5
    Quote Originally Posted by xanvar View Post
    I believe my left thumb is Gimp. I think I need to reroll.
    DDO Acronyms:

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