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  1. #1
    Community Member LumLevits's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default What to expect on Wayfinder

    Others feel free to add. Im basing this off of my experience for the last 3 months while leveling up to 14th level.

    I love this server. It is a challange.

    Pawn shops are empty, aution hall seldomly has anything good.

    Throughout my leveling I found it pretty exciting to open chests and was very picky what I sold. It actually made getting loot fun again.

    Be prepared to do a lot of soloing as there are seldomly groups looking. I think the most I ever saw was 6 or 7. Usually its 1-4. When I do form a group I post "1 or 2 players and we go" Hirelings are well used here.

    Im at the point now where I am stumped and find it very hard to continue. Granted I am F2P and only own GH, VoN, Tangle, Sharn, and Catacombs. Ive reached a point where I have to be able 4-6 levels above the quest to finnish it on hard or elite.

    Seldomly is there any lag. A few spikes.

    Everyone I did meet is very friendly, but not many people are on at consistant times.

    Surprisingly I have met very few Germans, though I do see them running around I would of expected more.

    There are alot of people who come from other servers in groups. Seems they play for a few days, chat it up in the chat box and slowly slip back to their home servers. I suspect not being able to deck your toon out with the most urber stuff platnium can buy might be the issue. As I mentioned it is a challange.

    It reminds me when the game first came out, things seemed simpler. But here you have a lot more options then back in those days. In fact after I hit 10th level I didnt play for the next 3 years, so I am hardly a true vet.

    Never ran into any pikers here.

    Very few people zerg, though alot of the time the parties are not big enough, if at all.

    This server suits my play style a lot due to the fact I've grown sick of rushing around all the time, buying 90% of my gear instead of just playing for it.

    Also keep in mind once again, this is based on my play experience. I do know there are serveral high level groups as I see them on from time to time.

    Being F2P Im in the process of getting one toon on each server to 1000 favor. As I just accomplished this reciently here on Wayfinder so I moved to Sarlona to finnish my toon there. Once Ive completed my mission I will make Wayfinder my main server.

    If your one of those players that the community calls "Flower Sniffers" I suspect you will like it here, give it a try. Not going to be 100% and you'll have to actually go looking for other players. But Ive certenly had a blast on this server hence this posting.
    Arrow cost money.....the dead cost nothing.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    It is starting to get boring now that I capped twice (have a Tr) and still not much more populated :P

  3. #3
    Community Member sdrocky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LumLevits View Post
    Others feel free to add. Im basing this off of my experience for the last 3 months while leveling up to 14th level.

    I love this server. It is a challange.

    Pawn shops are empty, aution hall seldomly has anything good.

    Throughout my leveling I found it pretty exciting to open chests and was very picky what I sold. It actually made getting loot fun again.

    Be prepared to do a lot of soloing as there are seldomly groups looking. I think the most I ever saw was 6 or 7. Usually its 1-4. When I do form a group I post "1 or 2 players and we go" Hirelings are well used here.

    Im at the point now where I am stumped and find it very hard to continue. Granted I am F2P and only own GH, VoN, Tangle, Sharn, and Catacombs. Ive reached a point where I have to be able 4-6 levels above the quest to finnish it on hard or elite.

    Seldomly is there any lag. A few spikes.

    Everyone I did meet is very friendly, but not many people are on at consistant times.

    Surprisingly I have met very few Germans, though I do see them running around I would of expected more.

    There are alot of people who come from other servers in groups. Seems they play for a few days, chat it up in the chat box and slowly slip back to their home servers. I suspect not being able to deck your toon out with the most urber stuff platnium can buy might be the issue. As I mentioned it is a challange.

    It reminds me when the game first came out, things seemed simpler. But here you have a lot more options then back in those days. In fact after I hit 10th level I didnt play for the next 3 years, so I am hardly a true vet.

    Never ran into any pikers here.

    Very few people zerg, though alot of the time the parties are not big enough, if at all.

    This server suits my play style a lot due to the fact I've grown sick of rushing around all the time, buying 90% of my gear instead of just playing for it.

    Also keep in mind once again, this is based on my play experience. I do know there are serveral high level groups as I see them on from time to time.

    Being F2P Im in the process of getting one toon on each server to 1000 favor. As I just accomplished this reciently here on Wayfinder so I moved to Sarlona to finnish my toon there. Once Ive completed my mission I will make Wayfinder my main server.

    If your one of those players that the community calls "Flower Sniffers" I suspect you will like it here, give it a try. Not going to be 100% and you'll have to actually go looking for other players. But Ive certenly had a blast on this server hence this posting.

    Come find us. All my toons start with fin and are in Hunters of Wayfinder guild.

    ive been on here since day 2 and this is the only server i play on. Im in AUS so our times may not suit each other, but i do play weird hours so you never know. Never get bored on this server. My main toon is level 14 and in need of at least one regular questing buddy.

    If you are looking for a guild let me know.

    Hunters of wayfinder

  4. #4
    Community Member Cogdoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sumptingwong View Post
    It is starting to get boring now that I capped twice (have a Tr) and still not much more populated :P
    shuss power-leveller...

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    this is my fav serer, as mentioned F2p is VERY hard to level above 12 due to lack of parties
    If any 1 wants to join a guild send me a message

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Just a bit of what to expect-

    Very few parties in the grouping window
    Very few people in your level range past those who just come to Favorgrind
    Problems getting equipment such as those with Deathblock, Heavy Fortification, Blindness Ward, and so forth
    Parties that are sometimes run with less then 6 players
    Less people looking to do Bravery Streaks

    It's a tough time playing on this server, though people are usually less elitist here for sure. Party Leaders take who they can get, they don't have the option of being picky about not having a Healer or a Trap Monkey. It's perhaps not even worth running to 1k favor unless you really want to make this your favor farming server.

  7. #7
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    a few things i've noticed about wayfinder.

    the auction house is sparse and prices are inconsistent.
    - people often put things up for ridiculously high or low prices; most likely due to prices on their home server.

    no one uses /trade chat channel.

    this server is poor.
    - this server was launched after the dowsing rod exploit was patched, there are no billionaires on wayfinder.

    English is the main spoken and written language.
    - I recall a story of a german man who was two-manning gianthold with another player he met on wayfinder. they spoke to each other all through the day in english; only to realize, after quite some time, they were both german.

    they don't run the shroud in pugs.
    - there have been a couple guild runs here and there, but very very few pug runs.
    - nearly all the greensteel you see here has been imported.

    Halloween / ice games festivals don't work very well.
    - there was never a high enough population on the server to run a successful halloween event. any epic halloween gear you see was probably imported.
    - there is only 1 instance of the harbor up at any one time, therefor the ice jump can be attempted 3 or 4 times per pair of skates ( 10 white coins). without 'instance switching' there are far fewer purple coins on the server and far fewer recipe 5's. this seems to have driven the price up considerably ( alas, no one has any plat on this server so It's kind of a moot point)

    everyone plays a cleric
    - although parties themselves are terribly hard to find, (in my experience) chances are that when you do there will be a cleric among the members.

    many many F2P people out there
    - hard to find groups for low level pay content such as "delera's"

    We solo and play in small groups very well
    - three man icy rainment runs, five man elite DQ, solo House C challenges. all in a day's work

    Crafting actually pays off
    - Being that there is such a lack of low level gear here, a few levels in crafting can really help out the early game.

    Everybody knows everybody
    - there aren't that many players on wayfinder. if you act like a jerk, people will know. and knowing people is the best way to get a group here.
    Last edited by benjihad; 01-06-2012 at 01:03 AM.

  8. #8
    Community Member Lewendriel's Avatar
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    I have wondered if I should transfer my toon to wayfinder as it is a european server and therefore in same time zone as me. I am a little tired of being only online in the guilds (been in 3 by now) on the server I reside on at the moment (have not played for 2 months now for this very same reason).

    Have been thinking to try create a guild and get only european players as members, but that takes a lot of effort and time which I unfortunately do not have either.

    I do not know the game that well and need advice and assistance in runs. I do know my way around healing and are pretty good at that, but I cant solo high level dungeons and I would like to raid. But if its hard to get pugs or the existing guilds are not sufficient to do those, is there a point in me transfer ?

    Another question is if there is any plans to increase the player base on Wayfinder from Turine ?

  9. #9
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Lewendriel, it would surprise me quite a bit if there was no european-based guild on your home server. Which one is it?

    Maybe a post in your server's subforum can help you to find people who play at a similar schedule as you.
    Toons on Orien: Meinir // Flodur // Twiddler // Thorkar // Impetor // Juliacantor // Minor all Soko Irrlicht
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We may or may not intentionally insert in red herrings, purple mackerels, or horses of different colors. Void where prohibited. Not available in all planes of existence.

  10. #10
    Community Member Lewendriel's Avatar
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    I am on Argonessen and have been asking other scandinavians if they are aware if there is a european guild or two, but none of them know this and this are some friends I have found, that have played for 4-5 years.

    Could of course try make in a post in server forum. Didnt think of that


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