The Silver Legion - Guild Medieval
Arisan - Arisanna - Arisanto - Arisgard - Betatest
So, I thought that the extra casters level didnt give you spell penetration on FtS? ive heard people say it does and people say that it im confused.
Ill drop Emp Enhancements completely though it makes me very sad
Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.12.01 DDO Character Planner Home Page Level 20 True Neutral Drow Female (20 Sorcerer) Hit Points: 182 Spell Points: 2061 BAB: 10\10\15\20 Fortitude: 8 Reflex: 6 Will: 21 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (28 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) Strength 10 10 Dexterity 10 10 Constitution 14 14 Intelligence 10 10 Wisdom 8 8 Charisma 20 28 Starting Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) Balance 0 6 Bluff 5 9 Concentration 4 24 Diplomacy 5 9 Disable Device n/a n/a Haggle 5 9 Heal -1 -1 Hide 0 0 Intimidate 5 9 Jump 0 0 Listen -1 1 Move Silently 0 0 Open Lock n/a n/a Perform n/a n/a Repair 0 0 Search 0 2 Spot -1 1 Swim 0 0 Tumble 1 1 Use Magic Device 7 20 Level 1 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell Spell (1): Niac's Cold Ray Spell (1): Acid Spray Level 2 (Sorcerer) Spell (1): Expeditious Retreat Level 3 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell Level 4 (Sorcerer) Spell (2): Web Level 5 (Sorcerer) Spell (2): Blur Level 6 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Toughness Spell (3): Acid Blast Level 7 (Sorcerer) Spell (2): Resist Energy Spell (3): Haste Level 8 (Sorcerer) Spell (4): Wall of Fire Level 9 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Heighten Spell Spell (3): Rage Spell (2): Knock Spell (4): Acid Rain Level 10 (Sorcerer) Spell (5): Cone of Cold Level 11 (Sorcerer) Spell (3): Displacement Spell (5): Break Enchantment Spell (4): Burning Blood Level 12 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Spell Focus: Conjuration Spell (6): Disintegrate Level 13 (Sorcerer) Spell (5): Niac's Biting Cold Spell (4): Fire Shield Spell (6): Otiluke's Freezing Sphere Level 14 (Sorcerer) Spell (7): Otto's Sphere of Dancing Level 15 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration Spell (7): Waves of Exhaustion Spell (6): Acid Fog Spell (5): Protection From Elements Level 16 (Sorcerer) Spell (8): Black Dragon Bolt Level 17 (Sorcerer) Spell (7): Finger of Death Spell (8): Incendiary Cloud Level 18 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Force of Personality Spell (9): Power Word: Kill Level 19 (Sorcerer) Spell (9): Energy Drain Spell (8): Polar Ray Level 20 (Sorcerer) Spell (9): Wail of the Banshee Enhancement: Sorcerer Bloodline of Power Enhancement: Sorcerer Improved Maximizing I Enhancement: Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II Enhancement: Racial Toughness I Enhancement: Racial Toughness II Enhancement: Sorcerer Earth Savant I Enhancement: Sorcerer Earth Savant II Enhancement: Sorcerer Earth Savant III Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting I Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting II Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting III Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting IV Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting V Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting VI Enhancement: Glacial Spellcasting I Enhancement: Combustive Spellcasting I Enhancement: Kinetic Spellcasting I Enhancement: Deadly Acid I Enhancement: Deadly Acid II Enhancement: Deadly Acid III Enhancement: Deadly Acid IV Enhancement: Deadly Acid V Enhancement: Deadly Acid VI Enhancement: Deadly Ice I Enhancement: Deadly Flame I Enhancement: Deadly Kinetics I Enhancement: Acid Manipulation I Enhancement: Acid Manipulation II Enhancement: Acid Manipulation III Enhancement: Acid Manipulation IV Enhancement: Acid Manipulation V Enhancement: Acid Manipulation VI Enhancement: Acid Manipulation VII Enhancement: Frost Manipulation I Enhancement: Frost Manipulation II Enhancement: Frost Manipulation III Enhancement: Frost Manipulation IV Enhancement: Frost Manipulation V Enhancement: Frost Manipulation VI Enhancement: Frost Manipulation VII Enhancement: Flame Manipulation I Enhancement: Flame Manipulation II Enhancement: Flame Manipulation III Enhancement: Flame Manipulation IV Enhancement: Flame Manipulation V Enhancement: Flame Manipulation VI Enhancement: Flame Manipulation VII Enhancement: Force Manipulation I Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded I Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma I Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma II Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma III Enhancement: Sorcerer Wand and Scroll Mastery I Enhancement: Sorcerer Wand and Scroll Mastery II Enhancement: Sorcerer Wand and Scroll Mastery III
they give you extra spell pen, they *don't* give you spell DC.
and yeah, while the empower enhancements aren't completely terrible (for example, they do save you more SP than you would gain from taking the "energy of _____" line), they generally speaking aren't a major concern. especially for an earth savant that you plan on multiple TRing... by the time you've gone through two wizard past lives, you'll be very good at managing your SP already![]()
Commenting on your latest incarnation:
1) Drop force of personality, it is quite a terrible feat. Will save is your least important save, and as a caster, it's already pretty good. Extend, Spell Penetration, SF: Enchantment or even another toughness are much, much better options.
2) Strongly consider human. With maxed out gear, human has the same DC, and yet human also has an extra feat, an extra skill point, 23 more HP. If you drop FoP and go human, you'd have the option of doing something like SF/GSF: enchant for epic viable CC.
3) I would not spec so high into other elemental lines. There is very little of importance that is immune to acid. Take one point into fire and cold damage and crit enhancements. With those AP saved, max out spell penetration enhancements and possibly a rank or two into improved heightening.
For end game, I think it is worthwhile to spec into CC even as a sorc. DPS can get you very far as a sorc, but is limited at end game. If I were to build an epic-focused earth savant, it'd look something like this:
Human 20 sorc
SF: Conjuration
Past Life: Wizard
SF: Enchantment
Spell Penetration (or GSF: Enchantment or GSF: Conjuration)
Yeah but the part about force of personality being terrible.. THAT was good advice. I don't have a ton of experience with it, but I think focusing on your strength (web) will be better than trying to get good enchant. That's just my op. obviously.
Ice secondary seems wise on an earth sorc. Fire? maybe.
The abbot has spell immunity below level 4. Black dragon bolt is by far the best and most efficient spell against the abbot, so there is no need to spec into anything else because of him.
Acid immunes are so few and far between, you just really do not need to use other lines very much. The difference between full manipulation line spec and max spec is much less than you'd think, due to stacking additively with potency and clickies. Sticking with 1/1/1 in secondary lines is very solid advice, especially for an acid savant.
Also, my advice was towards epic and end game. It is possible to fill the CC role, but not without some investment in spell penetration and enchantment DCs. You will not be able to CC EDA with just web. You will not be able to CC chrono with just web. Etc., etc.
Solely filling a DPS role is fine, but is too limited for my tastes. It is a flavor choice and personal choice. Do not say what is bad advice without at least understanding what is being said.
This is good advice if you only plan to play non epic or other challenging quests. Otherwise this is horrible advice.
IF you play an earth sevant and want to have a shot at performing as well as other sorcerers in high end content, then you need to diversify into other elementals. Acid is a nice line on paper, however, you cannot stack your DOTs like other sorcs. It is critical that you at least pick up ice. Even then you will not put out the Damage of better spec's sorcs. I strongly suggest also fire.
You have not taken any spell penetration. Being successful high end with enchantments requires a serious effort toward spell penetration. If you really want to go this approach then play a true elf. Otherwise play a Drow if you want higher DC's or Human if want the feat. If you have all of the end game loot a Human looks pretty appealing.
Finally, you need a will save of around 40+ in end game play. People who track their deaths in epic play find that they die because they failed a will save at a bad time. People who claim that force of personality is a waste of time have never really played a super high DPS sorcerer or solo'd much epic content. If they did they would know that you pulls all aggro constantly and draw most of the enemy CC attacks. Getting stunned or greater commanded or held at a bad time usually means death. As far as saves go, the will save is the most important end game. Sorcerer DPS end game is massive. If you setup your sorcerer correctly, you can go very far with DPS alone end game. You may, like me find no need to ever use CC again. CC doesn't kill mobs. It only takes away spell points that could be used to kill mobs.
Last edited by tinyelvis; 12-11-2011 at 05:46 AM.
Ok ive changed the build again. Went human and put SF trans back up, since FtS does have increased spell resistance i can use it reliably with a spell pen item, if its less useless later on ill just swap the feat out. Web, Earthgrab and FtS will be my CC and Fire/Acid/Ice will be my damage lines.
Since im not going for spell pen should i swap out all my spells that use Spell Pen? Like Waves, Wail, PWK, and energy drain.
Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.12.01 DDO Character Planner Home Page Level 20 True Neutral Human Female (20 Sorcerer) Hit Points: 202 Spell Points: 2032 BAB: 10\10\15\20 Fortitude: 9 Reflex: 5 Will: 20 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (28 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) Strength 10 10 Dexterity 8 8 Constitution 16 16 Intelligence 8 8 Wisdom 8 8 Charisma 18 26 Starting Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) Balance -1 5 Bluff 4 8 Concentration 5 25 Diplomacy 4 8 Disable Device n/a n/a Haggle 4 8 Heal -1 -1 Hide -1 -1 Intimidate 4 8 Jump 0 0 Listen -1 -1 Move Silently -1 -1 Open Lock n/a n/a Perform n/a n/a Repair -1 -1 Search -1 -1 Spot -1 -1 Swim 0 0 Tumble 0 0 Use Magic Device 6 19 Level 1 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell Feat: (Human Bonus) Spell Focus: Conjuration Spell (1): Niac's Cold Ray Spell (1): Acid Spray Level 2 (Sorcerer) Spell (1): Expeditious Retreat Level 3 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell Level 4 (Sorcerer) Spell (2): Web Level 5 (Sorcerer) Spell (2): Blur Level 6 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Toughness Spell (3): Acid Blast Level 7 (Sorcerer) Spell (2): Resist Energy Spell (3): Haste Level 8 (Sorcerer) Spell (4): Wall of Fire Level 9 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Heighten Spell Spell (3): Rage Spell (2): Knock Spell (4): Acid Rain Level 10 (Sorcerer) Spell (5): Cone of Cold Level 11 (Sorcerer) Spell (3): Displacement Spell (4): Burning Blood Spell (5): Break Enchantment Level 12 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Spell Focus: Transmutation Spell (6): Flesh to Stone Level 13 (Sorcerer) Spell (5): Niac's Biting Cold Spell (4): Fire Shield Spell (6): Disintegrate Level 14 (Sorcerer) Spell (7): Mass Protection From Elements Level 15 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration Spell (7): Waves of Exhaustion Spell (6): Otiluke's Freezing Sphere Spell (5): Cloudkill Level 16 (Sorcerer) Spell (8): Black Dragon Bolt Level 17 (Sorcerer) Spell (7): Delayed Blast Fireball Spell (8): Incendiary Cloud Level 18 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Force of Personality Spell (9): Power Word: Kill Level 19 (Sorcerer) Spell (8): Polar Ray Spell (9): Energy Drain Level 20 (Sorcerer) Spell (9): Wail of the Banshee Enhancement: Sorcerer Bloodline of Power Enhancement: Sorcerer Improved Maximizing I Enhancement: Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II Enhancement: Racial Toughness I Enhancement: Racial Toughness II Enhancement: Sorcerer Earth Savant I Enhancement: Sorcerer Earth Savant II Enhancement: Sorcerer Earth Savant III Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting I Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting II Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting III Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting IV Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting V Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting VI Enhancement: Glacial Spellcasting I Enhancement: Combustive Spellcasting I Enhancement: Kinetic Spellcasting I Enhancement: Deadly Acid I Enhancement: Deadly Acid II Enhancement: Deadly Acid III Enhancement: Deadly Acid IV Enhancement: Deadly Acid V Enhancement: Deadly Acid VI Enhancement: Deadly Ice I Enhancement: Deadly Flame I Enhancement: Deadly Kinetics I Enhancement: Acid Manipulation I Enhancement: Acid Manipulation II Enhancement: Acid Manipulation III Enhancement: Acid Manipulation IV Enhancement: Acid Manipulation V Enhancement: Acid Manipulation VI Enhancement: Acid Manipulation VII Enhancement: Frost Manipulation I Enhancement: Frost Manipulation II Enhancement: Frost Manipulation III Enhancement: Frost Manipulation IV Enhancement: Frost Manipulation V Enhancement: Frost Manipulation VI Enhancement: Frost Manipulation VII Enhancement: Flame Manipulation I Enhancement: Flame Manipulation II Enhancement: Flame Manipulation III Enhancement: Flame Manipulation IV Enhancement: Flame Manipulation V Enhancement: Flame Manipulation VI Enhancement: Flame Manipulation VII Enhancement: Force Manipulation I Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded I Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma I Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma II Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma III Enhancement: Sorcerer Wand and Scroll Mastery I Enhancement: Sorcerer Wand and Scroll Mastery II Enhancement: Sorcerer Wand and Scroll Mastery III
Lol wut? 99% of all will saves you'll ever have to make are completely nullified by protection from evil (in the sorc spell list, either single-target or circle version), fom (comes on moderately hard to acquire boots and trivial to acquire epic timeblade) and deathward (comes on ML5 clickies).
Getting stunned (by stunning blow) is a fort save. Only thing similar to stun that's a will save and I can think of is daze portion of electric loop (meh), even soundburst has a fort save for the daze effect (and remember, dazed != stunned).
The only relevant thing that you can't make yourself immune to and that has a will-save is disco ball, but that isn't really that prevalent in most content, only epic off the top of my head is evon4.
Will is the least useful save at end-game, by a margin.
Comfortably [d|n]umb
Weirdly / Annoyed of Khyber
WanderLust EuroTrash
The abbot is not all there is with a mantle sully has one epic liches like epic wiz king and ones in the new challenges epic DQ.
Not having ice spec for niacs dot and polar ray is not being dps there is absolutely no reason to pass up at least 5 points into the ice lines.
I do EDA and echrono just fine without the spell pen feats or enchant feats and only a 38 dc disco ball because i use a 42 dc web and hypno with greater spell pen 2.
If you can cc it 90% of things are hit by web of those that aren't only fire reavers have spell resistance that i can think of and those don't come in huge packs nor are they a problem to deal with ice storm owns them.
As someone else stated force of personality is not needed once your geared or if your in a party 99% of will saves can be negated.
THIS. Some gear > taking a whole feat when there are WAAAAY better feats to take.
You don't even NEED FoM on gear. The vast majority of time you'll have a divine or even a ranger who can hook u up. The other stuff is downright easy to get.
eDA is DOABLE with web. I prolly wouldn't want a sorc as primary cc there, but if I knew they had done it successfully then I might give it a go. As for eChrono, has anyone ever been primary CC on a sorc here? I bet there are few if any. The leader certainly isn't going to be filling the CC slot with a sorc. Therefore, not a consideration. A sorc in eChrono is dps with maybe a secondary in buffs/some cc. Right?
Some thoughts:
Don't go drow. Very few reasons to build a drow sorc. None, really. First life sorc your DCs won't be that good anyway, nor will your spell pen. Wizards can go drow as palemaster gives them the survivability to do so, and they want to get DCs as high as possible. You're best spells don't even have saves...better to build for survivability than DCs.
Go warforged if possible, the con is amazing as amplifies your best ability (earthgrab). Human is fine as well, but I prefer robots. Having 500-600hp and quickened reconstruct makes you very, very hard to kill. Can't say the same about a 300hp drow fumbling around with scrolls, unless you have a great support team. A well build warforged acid savant is one of the more survivable characters in this game atm.
Get acid rain asap and use it: it is amazing. It is your best spell. It's not like firewall or ice storm; it's more like an acid blast that just doesn't quit.
Dump force of personality for the reasons mentioned above. I laugh at the person who said will is most important. Ha. Ha. Ha.Your will save could be -10 at endgame and odds are you'll never know the difference. It's nice seeing a +45 or so will save but it means nothing. (disco balls are only situation it ever matters, and they CAN be blown out if needed with gust of wind/cyclonic blast). At endgame Reflex>fort>>>>will. Same at any point while leveling as well.
Go acid/fire spec till level 14 or so (after wizking). So many undead that even nerfed firewall is still king. Maybe keep fire to after necro4. But before vale switch to...
acid/cold spec. This will allow you to get at least niacs DoT to decent damage. Also consider grabbing's still OK damage despite the minus to caster levels. I like speccing into at least 2 damage lines. Acid is of course your go to but it's nice to have another element to cycle through when spamming spells. I like cold endgame just to see some big numbers on warlock sobrien when soloing eclaw. Cold-acid covers just about any enemy you will face. Elec offspec would be're an earth savant...
Acid is the easiest savant to level up. Very, very little is immune to acid. Thaarak hounds are only annoying ones. Cold and fire have a plethora of mobs that are immune, and elec has a few very troubling ones as well (mariliths). Of course, as a caster, they are all pretty easy.
Another minor thing-switch power word kill and wail of the banshee-wail is semi-useful on a sorc in the vale and a bit meh after that unless you build for necromancy. You haven't. However, DO take finger of death at 14 over...mass prot from elements (Eww). Things will die via finger even if not a palemaster, so its definitely worth taking.
Also...SF:Transmutation is pretty meh. Greater spell focus:conj is OK but not totally needed. Acid rain doesn't even have a save after first tick.
So 3 feats to play with. Consider shield proficiency/shield mastery (tanking in an acid rain while torcing is better and faster than hopping around, if you can take it). Slot a -15% ASF augment and turtle up with a decent shield.
Possibly necro foci as well. Insta kills past level 18 or so are the way to go in many places. Past life wizard is money if it's an option.
Finally, I don't see the jump spell in your latest spell list. It is the best 1st level spell unless you have a morah's belt. Even if you do, it's still worth slotting.
You WILL pull agro sometimes and 30+ jump is a great way to avoid it when it happens. Most other 1st level spells dwindle in usefulness quite quickly after 2nd and3rd level spells are gained. Jump is always useful. Shield/nightshield should always be slotted as well unless you are using a clickie for that too.
Personally I LIKE getting agro as I just shieldblock and recon through whatever damage is getting through my 40 DR when DoD procs. Usually it is very little. I figure...better me than the zero DR/zero AC/zero self healing typical melee. Saves the healer sp and makes things generally go smoother and faster. I'm even building for intim this life
oK I think that's everything ^^. Hope it helps-let me know if you have any questions, /end wall of text
Sorcs rule!
Jump isnt in my spells because my spell list is a leveling progression list, not an end game list.
Where do i get -15% ASF augments?
Added shield proficiency, mastery, and extend.
Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.12.01 DDO Character Planner Home Page Level 20 True Neutral Human Female (20 Sorcerer) Hit Points: 202 Spell Points: 2032 BAB: 10\10\15\20 Fortitude: 9 Reflex: 5 Will: 11 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (28 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) Strength 10 10 Dexterity 8 8 Constitution 16 16 Intelligence 8 8 Wisdom 8 8 Charisma 18 26 Starting Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) Balance -1 5 Bluff 4 8 Concentration 5 25 Diplomacy 4 8 Disable Device n/a n/a Haggle 4 8 Heal -1 -1 Hide -1 -1 Intimidate 4 8 Jump 0 0 Listen -1 -1 Move Silently -1 -1 Open Lock n/a n/a Perform n/a n/a Repair -1 -1 Search -1 -1 Spot -1 -1 Swim 0 0 Tumble 0 0 Use Magic Device 6 19 Level 1 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Human Bonus) Extend Spell Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell Spell (1): Niac's Cold Ray Spell (1): Acid Spray Level 2 (Sorcerer) Spell (1): Expeditious Retreat Level 3 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell Spell (1): Nightshield Level 4 (Sorcerer) Spell (2): Web Level 5 (Sorcerer) Spell (2): Blur Level 6 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Toughness Spell (3): Acid Blast Level 7 (Sorcerer) Spell (2): Resist Energy Spell (3): Haste Level 8 (Sorcerer) Spell (4): Wall of Fire Level 9 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Heighten Spell Spell (3): Rage Spell (2): Knock Spell (4): Acid Rain Level 10 (Sorcerer) Spell (5): Cone of Cold Level 11 (Sorcerer) Spell (3): Displacement Spell (4): Burning Blood Spell (5): Break Enchantment Level 12 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Spell Focus: Conjuration Spell (6): Flesh to Stone Level 13 (Sorcerer) Spell (5): Niac's Biting Cold Spell (4): Fire Shield Spell (6): Disintegrate Level 14 (Sorcerer) Spell (7): Finger of Death Level 15 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Shield Proficiency (General) Spell (6): Otiluke's Freezing Sphere Spell (5): Cloudkill Spell (7): Waves of Exhaustion Level 16 (Sorcerer) Spell (8): Black Dragon Bolt Level 17 (Sorcerer) Spell (7): Delayed Blast Fireball Spell (8): Incendiary Cloud Level 18 (Sorcerer) Feat: (Selected) Shield Mastery Spell (9): Wail of the Banshee Level 19 (Sorcerer) Spell (8): Polar Ray Spell (9): Energy Drain Level 20 (Sorcerer) Spell (9): Power Word: Kill Enhancement: Sorcerer Bloodline of Power Enhancement: Sorcerer Improved Maximizing I Enhancement: Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II Enhancement: Racial Toughness I Enhancement: Racial Toughness II Enhancement: Sorcerer Earth Savant I Enhancement: Sorcerer Earth Savant II Enhancement: Sorcerer Earth Savant III Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting I Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting II Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting III Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting IV Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting V Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting VI Enhancement: Glacial Spellcasting I Enhancement: Combustive Spellcasting I Enhancement: Kinetic Spellcasting I Enhancement: Deadly Acid I Enhancement: Deadly Acid II Enhancement: Deadly Acid III Enhancement: Deadly Acid IV Enhancement: Deadly Acid V Enhancement: Deadly Acid VI Enhancement: Deadly Ice I Enhancement: Deadly Flame I Enhancement: Deadly Kinetics I Enhancement: Acid Manipulation I Enhancement: Acid Manipulation II Enhancement: Acid Manipulation III Enhancement: Acid Manipulation IV Enhancement: Acid Manipulation V Enhancement: Acid Manipulation VI Enhancement: Acid Manipulation VII Enhancement: Frost Manipulation I Enhancement: Frost Manipulation II Enhancement: Frost Manipulation III Enhancement: Frost Manipulation IV Enhancement: Frost Manipulation V Enhancement: Frost Manipulation VI Enhancement: Frost Manipulation VII Enhancement: Flame Manipulation I Enhancement: Flame Manipulation II Enhancement: Flame Manipulation III Enhancement: Flame Manipulation IV Enhancement: Flame Manipulation V Enhancement: Flame Manipulation VI Enhancement: Flame Manipulation VII Enhancement: Force Manipulation I Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded I Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma I Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma II Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma III Enhancement: Sorcerer Wand and Scroll Mastery I Enhancement: Sorcerer Wand and Scroll Mastery II Enhancement: Sorcerer Wand and Scroll Mastery III
Looks like a solid build. Going for shield mastery is a good way to take advantage of the human extra feat. The enhancements need a lot of work, but you can easily swap those out and choose the best setup at various points in the leveling process. You'll definitely want to be taking human improved recovery and the human adaptability for Cha and Con, though -- those are big human advantages that you don't want to miss out on.
"looking for advice on my first caster."
imo the only way to go for a first life sorc is WF earth savant. WF will give you the ability to self heal with spells instead of scrolls which will get interupted and you dead, and a nice hight con for a 46DC earthgrab endgame.
SLA acid arrow/acid blast, dragonbolt, acid rain all don't have sp checks or saves, and if you sf/gsf conj you can have a 39 DC web for your CC needs, or mindfog/discoball as an alternative.
there really isn't much point in going anything other than WF as a first life earth savant, 39 web is more than enough, and you'll be much better served by a higher earthgrab, hp, and the ability to self heal while suplementing with scrolls.
when you get 3 wiz lives, and tr to an air savant, then its a good idea to go human.
"I don't know half of you half as well as i should like, and i like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."
Ah OK. Just make sure by level 5 or so (definitely by 9) that it is in there. CAn get jumpbuff from house P favor as well to tide you over.
Shields-shield mastery is amazing with tower shields (20% damage reduction) and good with large shields (15%). With light shields it's only OK (10%), maybe not worth 2 feats to be honest. It requires a lot of gear to get zero ASF with a decent shield.
-15% ASF is a tricky issue. Epic blue augment slot can slot it-but hound shields are not epic and don't hvae epic slots. Putting it on the cove trinket is the easiest way to do it. WOuld need to wait till level 20 as well, naturally.
Can also use -10% arcane sigil docent and -5% ASF gloves (don't remember where they come from, sorry! Maybe titan?) while leveling.
Honestly, for a first lifer you are best picking up a light mithral shield even if the DR is lower. Will still be useful and won't need to worry about spell failure. Craft the highest enhancement bonus on it you can. Invulnerability, lifeshield and superior stability are good things as well, if you can. Docent gets the bloodrage treatment or maybe a guard.
Skyvault shield is another good one-check the AH for one as it is not bound (ToR loot). It is a large shield that is mithral, twilight (0% ASF!) so cures the issue of only 10% dr with light shields AND the arcane spell failure issue.
People give me **** for going sword (+6str/20% amp/+2 exp con bastard sword) and board all the time on a caster...but with clickies for spell damage (75% vs 50%...def worth clicking a button every 3min
) my hands are usually pretty free as a caster. Better to have a shield and block when you have agro than running around like a crazy person. Use the agro to let the party take the mob down faster, not slower!)
And go warforged...the healer will appreciate it actually. When playing a healer it's good to have to only focus on the melees, and know the caster can cover their own redbar 99% of the time.
Extend is OK. Always a useful choice.