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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Looking for guild

    I'm a casual player being exiled from an elite guild, being accused of inactivity. So here better to let you know this before anything (though among my own friends I should be the most active) Statistically, i could gain 700k renown in 3 months on average (my bare guess)

    I own 4 characters, which 3 of them are always raid-readied (basically all raid and epic quests)(raid-readied meant by performing at least averagely. cant excel at every parts but they wont be non-contributive at all as a member of a team), while 1 character slot is for tr-ing.
    Currently the raid readied toons are 20clr, 20bbn, 20sorc. (I just bought the last high level pack in my list so I have wiped out all high lv packs currently)

    I'm an Asian gamer(+8GMT). So do expect I can't readily join all of your scheduled raids. But if you told me early enough before the raid, it is possible as I could sleep at 8pm to wait a 3am raid or, if accidentally i online'd and accidentally you got a room for me, i would accidentally join of coz!

    I want a lv70+ guild for my convenience of dont need to type "invite plz" in chat for a teleporter or planescaller. Yes I don't like type in a quest, neither voice chat (I cant catch up every words in the voice, but i could use it). And buffs are good for my TR too. I'll be glad if I can join your raids. If not, no problem, just leave me there everytime I online could see only me there on-lining (that's what happening in my last guild, timezone problem)

    Besides the abovementioned reason, I want to join a guild because I want to fill up my psychological emptiness due to disappearance of a button to gain renown in quest end reward. I dont like selling trash loots to be honest lol And this would be my potential contribution to the guild.

    Contact ingame orbbizzz (main char)/ orbbital / oriabito(I would rate it 2nd active now) / croxies if I am unresponsive in the forum

    ps. of course i wouldnt be that low online frequency if i join a guild
    Last edited by orbbital; 12-11-2011 at 09:44 AM.

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