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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default another 12 ftr/6 pal/2 mnk build

    The point of this build is to hate+intim tank with ac useful for hard horoth and enough hp and
    heal amp for eLoB. I also wanted saves that are high enough to be useful against almost all spells
    if not most traps.

    The dps of the build is pretty terrible but the amount of hate gen it gets should be sufficient.
    Note: I'm looking to compete with barbs wearing claw set, esos,two tod sets and eMari chain getting
    sneak attacks, since that's who usually sits on the other side dpsing, so if anyone has smart ideas how to
    increase dps/hate I am happy to listen even if I might just keep things as they are.

    Ancora the Tempered

    Human 12 ftr/6 pal/2 mnk

    feats: 2 monk
    feats: 7 fighter
    feats: 1 human
    feats: 7 normal
    so 17 feats:

    3 least,lesser,greater DM of sentinel
    2 shield mastery,improved shield mastery

    Weapon focus:slashing
    Power attack
    Imp crit:slashing
    quick draw
    Past life barb
    Imp. sunder
    Combat expertise
    Weapon specialization:slashing
    3x toughness

    str 15 +5 levels +7 item +2 tome +2 ship +2 fighter +2 exceptional +1 exceptional+3 profane=39 +4 stance+2 yugo=45 (+3 tome)=46
    dex 14 +6 item +2 tome +2 ship=24 +2yugo=26
    con 16 +7 item +2 except +1 except+1 human+(3 tome will need to get) +2 ship= 32 +4 stance=36 +2 yugo=38
    int 10 -1 +3 tome (have)
    wis 10 -1+6 item +2 tome +2 ship (+1 tome or except) =20
    cha 14 +7 item +2 tome +2 ship= 25


    Weapon: epic Chimera's fang (eSoS when not tanking)
    shield: levik's shield for blocking (+5 seeker +8 mithral tower of axeblock for dps) (any smarter ideas appreciated)

    goggles: MinII hp item.
    Head: epic helm of frost (epic chimera's helm (+6 cha)) (yellow)
    neckie: epic grim's bracelet (dex +6)
    trinket: epic brawn's spirit ( )
    cloak: epic envenomed cloak (good luck +2)
    belt: vorne's (+6 cha skills GS)
    gloves: epic claw gloves
    boots: anchoring (epic corrosion()(),fom, madstone)
    bracers: thaarak bracers (levik's, epic claw, epic scorched(toughness))
    ring 1: kyosho's +2 str ()
    ring 2: gnawed 20% heal amp

    Armor: parasitic breastplate (with extra hate) (epic vulkoorim, DT heal amp 10%,crushing wave,disintegration)

    AC: (with parasitic breasplate and ac set on)
    10 base
    +7 dex
    +10 armor
    +3 (rough hide on armor)
    +5 deflection
    +9 levik's
    +3 barkskin
    +3 abishai
    +2 paladin aura
    +2 SDII
    +4 insight (sup parrying on fang)
    +3 ship
    +1 dex yugo pot
    +2 dodge (thaarak)
    +1 alchemical dodge armor
    +1 alchemical dodge shield
    +3 grim's
    +1 yugo wis (bark)
    +3 dodge (SD stance)
    +5 combat expertise
    +1 haste
    79 self buffed
    +1 ranger bark
    +4 ac song

    Not incredible since I know people run around with 90+ but should be useful for hard horoth and elite vod.

    16 (2 monk)
    120 (12 fighter)
    60 (6 paladin)
    220 (32 con)
    20 (heroic)
    10 (gianthold)
    10 (passive PL barb)
    20 (active PL barb)
    66 (3x toughness)
    30 (GFL)
    45 (shroud item)
    20 (slotted toughness/tharaak bracers)
    60 (enhancements)
    697 (out of stance)
    40 (4 con in stance)
    *1.15 (stance bonus)
    847 (no dps sacrifice)
    +46 (yugo con pot)
    893 (losing dps from yugo con)

    You can grab another 20 from epic chimera's helm when that's more useful. A couple more can be gained
    temporarily by grabbing madstone rage before entering stance (hit 970 self buffed as my best so far)

    healing amp:
    30% human
    10% hotd
    30% claw gloves
    20% ring
    10% ship
    245% heal amp (not incredible but not bad with the shield dr should make me reasonably scrollable)

    23 ranks
    20 item
    5 claw gloves
    4 enhancements
    2 sentinel dm
    4 StD
    7 cha
    4 GH
    2 coin lord favor
    2 good luck
    2 past life barb
    +1 yugo cha pot
    +6 cha skills belt/neckie(when needed (epic lob)
    82 (ok with this)

    rest of skill points goes into balance and jump.

    Saving throws:
    +8 /+4 /+4  Fighter
    +5 /+2 /+2  Paladin
    +3 /+3 /+3  Monk
    +13/+7/ +5  abilities
    +7 /+7 /+7  charisma
    +5 /+5 /+5  resistance
    +4 /+4 /+4  GH
    +2 /+2 /+2  good luck
    +2 /+2 /+2 stance
    +1 /+1 /+1 kobold
    +1 /+1 /+1 alchemical
    +4 /+4 /+4 e chimera's
     0 /+1 / 0 Haste
     0 /+2 /+2 Occult slayer
    55 / 45/ 42 (no yugo pots)
    -3 /+1 /+1 cha yugo pot
    0  /+1 /0  dex yugo pot (-2 to-hit)
    52 /47 /43 (with usual pots)
     0 / -4 / +1 wis pot
    +1 / 0 / 0 con pot
    53 /43 /44 With all pots

    Enhancement: Fighter Armor Class Boost I
    Enhancement: Fighter Armor Class Boost II
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost II
    Enhancement: Fighter Stalwart Defender I
    Enhancement: Fighter Stalwart Defender II
    Enhancement: Fighter Tower Shield Mastery I
    Enhancement: Fighter Tower Shield Mastery II
    Enhancement: Fighter Bastard Sword Specialization I
    Enhancement: Fighter Greatsword Specialization I
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Constitution I
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery II
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery III
    Enhancement: Deneith Intimidation I
    Enhancement: Human Versatility I
    Enhancement: Human Versatility II
    Enhancement: Human Versatility III
    Enhancement: Human Versatility IV
    Enhancement: Fighter Item Defense I
    Enhancement: Paladin Bulwark of Good I
    Enhancement: Paladin Divine Righteousness I
    Enhancement: Paladin Extra Lay on Hands I
    Enhancement: Paladin Hunter of the Dead I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
    Enhancement: Improved Intimidate I
    Enhancement: Improved Intimidate II
    Enhancement: Improved Intimidate III
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength II
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness II
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness III
    Enhancement: Paladin Extra Turning I
    Enhancement: Paladin Improved Turning I

    Thanks for any ideas in advance,
    Last edited by Rawel_San; 12-08-2011 at 08:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member SaIamander's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Have you considered going 2 rog instead of monk and fitting in hamstring as well as improved shield bash? Hamstring is very nice for some damage mitigation and improved shield bash should give you some extra dps especially with the options on the new alchemical shields. Extra skill pts and umd are always a plus as well. These changes will lose you about 50 hp but i feel the added dps and damage mitigation would serve you well.

    Also for some added dps consider swapping the gnawed tod set for the fb set. Just a couple of thoughts.
    Last edited by SaIamander; 12-08-2011 at 09:37 PM.
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  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Dec 2009


    Swapping to the FB set is definitely an option and once I pull the ring I will have it as a swap for sure. The
    problem with taking rog instead of mnk is 2 less feats which I just can't afford. I know it looks like 17 feats
    is utter overkill but I absolutely don't know what I'd drop. My hp are at the low end of what I would like
    for epic LoB already. I am not sure if hamstring works on LoB (but somehow don't think so) and the damage
    mitigation for elite Horoth is for me a secondary concern. I take it you're talking about the dps gain from
    shield bash since sneaks won't be happening while I'm tanking.

    The shield bash is a thing I'm still considering and I might end up swapping it in maybe for improved sunder.
    I do like that feat a lot though especially with the chimera's fang. The alchemical shields are sadly incredibly bad
    both for ac and dr purposes which makes me less then fascinated since it means the only place I could consider
    using them is pretty much elite horoth (since my ac will be useless there anyhow probably) and maybe epic
    lob with the idea that I swap to levik's for turtling.

    Going both rogue and the feats is no go though since that would mean 4 feats less and I have no idea where I would
    get that.

  4. #4
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    I have one of these I'm looking at as well - only difference really is I may toss something else in instead of Quickdraw.

    Mine is on a TR journey, just left the Harbor - and he's got a couple of TRs to compete with so he won't be capping fast. I'm curious how you find this works out!
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Feb 2006

    Default Soverign Host

    Try and squeeze in Soverign host. You can get back 1,000 hp and remove death penalty and many other things. It works when madstoned, and if it gets real bad, one click and you are fully restored.

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