Consider this, posting a pug that says need dps or melee then proceed to take rogue/casters out of the class your looking for is well...quite wrong.
Thank you for you time.
Consider this, posting a pug that says need dps or melee then proceed to take rogue/casters out of the class your looking for is well...quite wrong.
Thank you for you time.
Consider this;
Person posting the LFM can take whomever they want.
Betty Boughter bought a bit of butter, but she said this butter's bitter. If I put it in my batter it will make my batter bitter. So she bought a bit of better butter and she put it in her bitter batter and it made her bitter batter better.
All things considered.
Isn't the real problem that people don't have a clear idea of what term they need to be using to express what they want?
DPS = I want someone that can do a lot of damage consistently
Melee = I want someone that uses physical methods to DPS
Trapmonkey = I want someone that can find, survive and disable traps
Lockpicker = I want someone that can open locks
Tank = I want someone that can get all of the rooms attention and be able to survive the beating that will ensue
Buffer = I want someone that can make us UBER
Healer = I want someone that can keep us alive when it hits the fan
Nannybot = I want someone that only heals/cures party ailments - use of any other skill is strictly prohibited
Evasion = I want someone that not only has evasion but a reflex save that makes it useful.
Jesus saves. Everyone else rounds to nearest 5%.
Sarlona: Nafaka[Rogue] Nandu[Monk] Neotheny[Wizard]
Bullet Fist Tony My rogue's build