Chears for the link wax
Indead any deeply splashed build like this is going to require an obscene amount of gear, just slotting the required lore(s) is going to be a chalange.
fortunetly aquireing the gear is a PITA, but not impossable.
i'm not convinced about the monk levels
as far as i can tell, there is only room in the build for 1 non-cleric/pally level.
your either sacraficeing DP dammage or the defender of sibries, neither propasition is exactly atractive.
I fail to see how monk can work in this build
that and ive got a Levik's Defender, by george am i going to use it
so regardless of the centering issue, i would be down a feat for the proficency.
speaking of feats, suppose i should start pondering what i want/need for the build.
Toughness is a must
Max and Empower for bursts and DP (how i love DP)
casting with agro and no quicken is just stupid
shield mastery is a must, advanced shield mastery would be nice.
hmmm, thats 6 feats :O
only get 7 of the dam things stock, +1 for human and the fighter bonus brings it up to 9.
but thats still only 3 left.
2 if i go totally mad and make a WF