Hi everyone reading this. I played a bit of DDO some time ago (and the beta, which is even a more long time ago). But never long enough to leave the N00b-status. Now there are so many changes to the game, that I don't even try to completely catch up :-)

I would like to start a new F2P toon now (probably I can get quite fast access to Artificer and Drow, if necessary, but nothing more). I imagine I could have fun with something, that does decent ranged damage, has good sneaking ability and beyond that as much use to the group as possible (heal or trap disarming, or buffs etc). And if it is a very non-standard build, that would be a nice bonus. ;-)

But I have no clue and no experience to create such a character. I would be glad, if someone could post or link something.

Thanks to all of you very much in advance.