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  1. #1
    Founder Broughden's Avatar
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    Default Exceptional Stat Bonus

    Planning out the GS item Im going to make for my AA. And Im getting frustrated in trying to figure out what the "exceptional" stat bonuses are exactly.

    According to things I have read on the forums here they are the same as a normal +6 to stat, and stack on top of the +6. With the bonus being applied directly to your stat score, so a +6 to dex item and a +2 exceptional dex item would give you a +8 to your base dex stat score.

    In reading the mouse over description of the exceptional stat bonues on the DDO Shroud loot planner it says the exceptional stat bonuses apply to dex "based skills" but not to the stat itself.

    So which is it? Does it apply to my base dex stat (thereby helping me with an increase in attack bonus for ranged and my AC) or not?

    Thanks for any help or info.

  2. #2
    Community Member dkyle's Avatar
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    Greensteel Accessories get exceptional skill bonuses (up to +6 stacking on top of the usual +15 or whatever skill items). Aside from CHA, these aren't worth worrying about. You'll be interested in the HP/SP the come attached to.

    Greensteel Weapons can get exceptional ability bonuses (up to +3 stacking on top of the usual +6 stat items), but it's generally a bad idea. Weapons are for doing damage, and you can get those exceptional abilities in a bunch of other places.

  3. #3
    Community Member somenewnoob's Avatar
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    There is + to skills and stats.

    If you look at this planner:

    Under the tier 2 effects there are exceptional + to STATS. and also exceptional + to skills.

    So + to dex skills would be things like balance.

  4. #4
    Founder Broughden's Avatar
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    Thanks for the quick answers!

    If I go +45 hp on a GS item I cant get anything else added to it, except for the smoke screen. Thats a lot of shroud running just for 45 hps and a 20% conceal chance. If the bonus had been to the stat rather than the skill it would be great.

    Hmmm not sure thats worth it. Might have to go in another direction.

    Thanks again.

  5. #5
    Community Member dkyle's Avatar
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    Smoke is expensive as it's a dual shard.

    But 45 HP is well worth a single shard greensteel. I like triple-earth for the Earthgrab.

  6. #6
    Community Member somenewnoob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dkyle View Post
    Smoke is expensive as it's a dual shard.

    But 45 HP is well worth a single shard greensteel. I like triple-earth for the Earthgrab.
    Yeah I went single shard for my hp item too. I went triple air for mine (fighter, so the haste clickie, + to balance, trip and haste guard was good)

    MUCH CHEAPER to make a single sharded item if you are going for the +45 hp mainly.

    Triple air (for melee types), triple earth are both good choices.

  7. #7
    Founder Broughden's Avatar
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    Am I doing it wrong?

    Tried using this planner:

    But after choosing air (dex/HP), air (dex/HP) and air (dex/HP) it wouldn't let me choose the second shard for the dust (20% blur).

  8. #8
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    In addition to the raw effects at each tier, you can generate bonus effects with specific combinations. In the case of air/air/air, you get:

    1. Haste clicky (double air)
    2. Air Guard (triple air)

    Smoke is referred to as a "double shard" or "dual shard" effect, meaning that you need two Supreme Shards of Power to generate it, and therefore double the larges. Because larges are (especially now) dramatically more valuable than smalls and mediums, this makes the average dual shard item much more expensive than the average single shard item. In this case, Smoke is air/fire/fire&air or fire/air/fire&air. For more information on how to obtain particular Altar of Devastation bonus effects, see this page.

  9. #9
    Community Member SoloPhalanx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broughden View Post
    Am I doing it wrong?

    Tried using this planner:

    But after choosing air (dex/HP), air (dex/HP) and air (dex/HP) it wouldn't let me choose the second shard for the dust (20% blur).
    In order to have permanent blur, I believe the item must be air+fire. Which means your 1st tier must be either air or fire and the second has to be the other.

    Going air-air gives you only access to haste guard as mentioned.

    For example to get concordant opposition, you need positive+negative. again, first shard either positive or negative and the 2nd one of the others.

    one good way to use the planner is to choose the base item and then the last effect. that way you know the things you can choose that will make that effect accessible.
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  10. #10
    The Hatchery Habreno's Avatar
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    For a melee, DEX skills is nice because it affects Balance and Tumble; the former being important for standing back up after being knocked down, and the latter for avoiding skill penalties with heavy armor since most people only put one point (or two in the case of non-class skills) into it. Casters may prefer CON skills, as it affects Concentration, very key for casters. DEX is also useful for Balance, and STR for Jump (though on an arcane quite redundant), and all have their benefits.

    For 99% of people out there, CHA is the one good choice for UMD, Haggle, in that order in most cases. WIS and INT are interesting, but not as important, unless you really need the trap detecting skills.

    To answer your question, Greensteel ITEMS grant exceptional SKILL benefits. WEAPONS grant +6 stat, which does not stack, and +1/+2 exceptional. As long as it is of a different amount, it will stack. The only exception is Concordant Opposition Tier 2, which grants +6 WIS and +10 to Diplomacy and Haggle, regardless of it being items or weaponry.
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